We often find beauty tips on social networks, but today we are going to talk about banana peel. Lately on TikTok, many Internet users rub their face with it to fight against wrinkles. Apparently, it would be the new natural botox that has no risk of side effects like other anti-aging products.

Beauty tip on TikTok

Indeed, TikTok users are not lacking in imagination and share their discovery with their community. Banana peel becomes the star for beauty tips using natural products these last weeks.

In this sense, we also find new wacky beauty tips every day on this platform. Some can even pose a danger to our face and body. Nevertheless, there are real tricks that allow us to save time.

Apparently, some users refer to these banana peels as the new natural botox. They have many properties such as anti-redness, ultra moisturizing but above all anti-wrinkle. The #bananabotox hashtag has over 2 million views, this trick seems to appeal to Internet users. This clear success encourages us to further analyze this claim that it is the new natural botox.

Banana peel: a natural botox

Indeed, the TikTok sphere indicates that the banana peel represents a natural remedy against the signs of aging. It is also very easy to use, just rub it on your face for about 30 minutes. This gesture would reduce wrinkles and eliminate the signs of aging on the skin of the face.
However, there are no scientific studies that can prove anti-aging benefits banana peels. The banana does not contain any active ingredient that could help fight against sagging skin.

Nevertheless, the experts recognize him purifying properties useful in case of redness, inflammation and other imperfections. This fruit rich in minerals and vitamins A, B and C can be used in the composition of homemade masks.
Therefore, rubbing banana peels on the face will not replace a session of botox injections. Be sure to wash your face thoroughly before applying..