Bathing in the Bischofswald in the middle of Münichholz

2023-08-12 00:38:00

Birgit Freidhager from the Caritas service center for caregiving relatives in Steyr invites you to go swimming in the Bischofswald in the Münichholz district on Wednesday, August 23rd. Meet at the church at 5 p.m. Registration at 0676/87762447 or by email: [email protected]

The physical and emotional burdens of caring relatives cannot simply be turned off, Freidhager knows: “Caring for relatives, worrying about their needs, the stress, the sadness and the anger that you feel when a loved one changes like that, can be done often neglect or forget their own needs.” Forest bathing can help to consciously get out of this hamster wheel. “Shinrin Yoku” is the name of the “stress management method” coming from Japan. “We use different exercises that everyone can then do on their own. We will bathe together in the ‘atmosphere of the forest’, as it is literally translated,” says Freidhager. Incidentally, forest bathing has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, stress hormones are reduced and blood pressure is regulated.


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#Bathing #Bischofswald #middle #Münichholz

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