Bayly said “Milei will be president”, and a background lightning excited libertarians: “Even heaven supports him”

2023-08-19 12:17:18

The political analyzes of Jaime Bayly They always have a wide echo on social networks, and this Friday the renowned Peruvian journalist and writer spoke regarding the PASO last Sunday, stressing that he had anticipated Javier Milei’s triumph, and when he predicted what he believes will be a new triumph for the libertarian in October , there was lightning in the background, he was speaking outdoors under a stormy sky, and that went viral when the followers of La Libertad Avanza considered it “a heavenly sign” in favor of the economist who prevailed in the PASO

Bayly was talking regarding Milei, when the lightning is heard and the sky lights up, almost at the same moment that he says “Milei will be president”. For the followers of the libertarian it was “a divine sign” and even Milei himself echoed the curious moment on his social networks.

“When he says “que gane Milei“Lightning is heard and the sky lights up fleetingly in the background, a situation that for Milei’s followers was “a sign from heaven”, in support of the libertarian candidate. “Heaven supports him”, or “I choose to believe” they said, to ironize regarding the curious coincidence. Others gave it a more mystical tone: “Thunder came DIRECTLY from the old testament to punish the unjust who enslaved the country”, while there was also criticism, because opponents of the libertarian pointed out that this lightning symbolized the opposite, “heaven doesn’t want to know anything if Milei wins”…

The truth is that the issue went viral on the networks this Saturday, generating dozens of posts and ironic and funny responses.

First post-PASO survey: Javier Milei surpasses Patricia Bullrich and Sergio Massa in positive image

The video of Bayly with that lightning bolt was even shared by Javier Milei himself on his social networks, which obviously gave it greater reach:

The truth is that Milei’s supporters joked regarding the “heavenly forces” working to get the libertarian candidate for president, and thus the initial memes led to comments toward what libertarian supporters are beginning to call “Liberal Mystique”:

bayly mercy

“Communion in anger”: the successful narrative with which Javier Milei connected with the people and broke the political map

bayly mercy

What Jaime Bayly said

“I predicted that the great star of the primaries would be Javier Mileiwhom I don’t know, but I see with great sympathy because he defends the ideas of freedom,” Bayly said on his YouTube channel.

In addition, the novelist reaffirmed that Milei will go to the second round in the October elections in Argentina. “I dare to reaffirm my prognosis that Milei, on October 22, will go to the ballot and will be first“, he expressed.

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According to Jaime Bayly, there will be a “fierce fight” between Patricia Bullrich y Sergio Massato define who will contest the second round with Javier Milei, and that, finally, the liberal will be the next president of Argentina.

“The big dilemma is who is going to be second? It would seem that Patricia Bullrich, has a narrow advantage over Massa, but it seems to me that it will be a fierce fight between the two and like the epic races, it will be a photographic finish. Of course I would like Patricia to finish second and compete with Milei”, he added.

“I believe, and this is my most reckless prognosis, that Milei will be the next president of Argentina (…) Milei is going to be elected president handilyis what I want and is what Argentina deserves,” the writer asserted.

What Jaime Bayly had predicted regarding Milei in the STEP

During an interview, the author of ‘Los Genios’ referred to the possible winner of the PASO elections in Argentina, on August 13. Very determined, Bayly assured that Milei was going to win.

“As I see the trends, Milei is going to run off the ballot. I Say It Now May 2023, in late October, will pass the ballotage. At the beginning, in your monologue, it went from 15 to 22%, that’s 50%. Besides has a hidden vote. Whatever the candidate of the coalition in power, the candidate is not the masses, it is inflation and no one throws away inflation. They will not go to the ballot. Milei is going to happen”Bayly said at the time.

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