Because of Adel Imam.. Muhammad Ramadan raises controversy with “returned”

soolking It was filmed between Dubai and Paris, and the song is presented in Arabic and French, and it is one of the lyrics Mohamed Ramadan and Soolking.

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The song sparked a state of controversy among the audience Mohamed Ramadan An accusation from the fans and fans of the Egyptian artist, Adel Imam, that he infringed the property rights of his artworks to the leader, after Ramadan used a scene from a play "Watch a need for something", by Adel Imam, which was shown in 1976, and achieved great success, and is one of the most prominent plays of the leader, which the audience loved and attached to and is still watching until now.

While some of the audience saw that Muhammad Ramadan used a scene from the play of the leader out of love and closeness to him, especially since he always said in his television statements, that he wished to work with Adel Emam In any work of art, even if it appears in a small scene.

How did Ramadan respond?

In conjunction with this controversy, Muhammad Ramadan revealed the reason for naming Song "won’t", with this name, where he said during a live broadcast on his page, that the idea came to him when he met the Algerian rapper in Lebanon two years ago, where they agreed to present a work together.

Duration: "The idea for the song came when I talked to Solking and told him that I wanted the song to have something to do with Egypt and Algeria", noting that when he asked the Algerian singer about the artworks that he saw in Egypt, he told him a play "Watch a need for something"And the famous Efeh of the leader in it was accustomed, so he chose the name of the song with it.

While art critic Ahmed Saad El-Din commented on Mohamed Ramadan’s choice of a song name "won’t", And the use of a scene from the play leader, saying during exclusive statements to the site "Sky News Arabia"، "word "won’t"It is a word that the Egyptians interacted with after the play, and it has been used in many slanders by the Egyptians, and here the intelligence of Muhammad Ramadan appears, because he is always looking for "trend".

The art critic continued: "When Muhammad Ramadan chooses this word that the Egyptians used to use, and adds the famous scene from the play (Shahid Mashfsh Hajja), this indicates that Muhammad Ramadan is a peak of intelligence, and that he did so in order to stir controversy and not a plot against Adel Imam.".

He concluded his speech: "The final winner in this controversial case is Muhammad Ramadan, because he took advantage of this excitement to increase the number of views of the clip, and thus achieved the desired goal for him.".


And the song “Mouda” that was recently released is a “duet” that combines Ramadan with the Algerian soolking It was filmed between Dubai and Paris, and the song is presented in Arabic and French, and it is one of the lyrics Mohamed Ramadan and Soolking.

Divided opinions

The song sparked a state of controversy among the audience Mohamed Ramadan An accusation from the audience and fans of the Egyptian artist, Adel Imam, that he infringed the property rights of his artworks of the leader, after Ramadan used a scene from the play “Shahid Mshafsh Hajja”, by Adel Imam, which was shown in 1976, and achieved great success, and is one of the most prominent plays of the leader that the audience loved. Attached to it and still watching it now.

While some of the audience saw that Muhammad Ramadan used a scene from the play of the leader out of love and closeness to him, especially since he always said in his television statements, that he wished to work with Adel Emam In any work of art, even if it appears in a small scene.

How did Ramadan respond?

In conjunction with this controversy, Muhammad Ramadan revealed the reason for naming The song “Back”, with this name, where he said during a live broadcast on his page, that the idea came to him when he met the Algerian rapper in Lebanon two years ago, where they agreed to present a work together.

He continued, “The idea of ​​the song came when I spoke with Solking and told him that I wanted the song to be related to Egypt and Algeria,” noting that when the Algerian singer asked about the artworks that I saw in Egypt, he told him The play “Shahid Mashfsh Hajja”And the famous Efeh of the leader in it was accustomed, so he chose the name of the song with it.

While the art critic Ahmed Saad El-Din commented on Mohamed Ramadan’s choice of the name of the song “Recurring”, and the use of a scene from the leader’s play, he said, during exclusive statements to “Sky News Arabia”, “The word “recurring”, is a word that the Egyptians interacted with after the play, and it was used in The Egyptians have many slanders, and this is where the intelligence of Muhammad Ramadan appears, because he is always looking for a “trend”.

And the art critic continued: “When Muhammad Ramadan chooses this word that the Egyptians used to use, and he adds the famous scene from the play (Shahid Mashfsh Hajja), this indicates that Muhammad Ramadan is a peak of intelligence, and that he did so in order to stir controversy and not a plot against Adel Imam.” .

He concluded his speech: “The final winner in this controversial case is Muhammad Ramadan, because he took advantage of this excitement to increase the number of views of the clip, and thus achieved the desired goal for him.”


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