Beekeeping Fair in San Antonio: An Event that Highlights the Importance of Honey and the Rural World

This Friday the 9th, the go-ahead was given for the Sixth version of the Beekeeping Fair at the San Antonio Museum of Natural Sciences (Musa), a collaborative initiative between the Municipality of San Antonio and the Apiamigos organization. This activity aims to commemorate Honey Day and to raise awareness of the importance of this product for all those who are dedicated to beekeeping.

To this end, technical talks will be given by experts in the field, talks by entrepreneurs in the beekeeping sector, and artistic and educational activities will be held so that children can learn about bees and the work they do.

Valeria Chamorro, head of the Economic Development Office of the Secpla of the Municipality of San Antonio, highlighted the importance of the fair. “This activity benefits us and fills us with pride because it is aligned with the work guidelines of the Economic Development Office of the Secpla,” said Chamorro. “It is a great pride for us to be able to be here and promote this type of activities, since they demonstrate to the community the resources we have in our territory.”

Domingo Serón, a beekeeper from San Antonio and president of Apiamigos, spoke about the beginning of the sixth version of this Beekeeping Fair and the hard work they have done in coordination with the municipality. “The municipality has always offered its cooperation, providing us with the means and the necessary implementation to develop and carry out this fair,” said Serán. “Despite being a small group, we have achieved great things with the good will to teach and make known the world of beekeeping.”

The event will also feature a fair of local exhibitors, in which entrepreneurs from the Prodesal Farmers Market, regional companies dedicated to the honey sector, among others, will participate.

Alexis Lizama, councillor of the commune of San Antonio and president of the Rural Commission, highlighted the importance of this fair for the rural world. “It is an honour to be part of this launch or inauguration of the beekeeping fair,” said Lizama. “I invite people to attend the fair, where they will be able to appreciate, consume and acquire many products derived from honey.”

Edixon Maldonado, from the Local Development Program of the Municipality of San Antonio, invited the community to participate in the fair. “This event is a meeting of local, regional and provincial beekeepers, framed in the National Honey Day, which is celebrated on August 6,” said Maldonado. “In addition to the fair, there are also talks with experts on the subject and a honey tasting that will take place tomorrow, Saturday.”

The bee fair is an opportunity for the community to learn more about beekeeping and the benefits of honey, and for local entrepreneurs to have a point of sale for their products. The fair will continue this Saturday with a honey tasting and other activities.



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