beginning of summer.Twenty-four solar terms | In the beginning of summer, heat and dampness are vulnerable to damage to the spleen and stomach. TCM recommends 4 ingredients for clearing heat and promoting body fluid (08:14) – 20220505 – Hot News – Instant News

Heart Tong Yu Xia Qi Pay attention to cardiovascular related diseases

Zheng Zhiren reminded that traditional Chinese medicine believes that “the heart is connected to the summer qi”, and the heart beats faster in hot weather, which increases the burden on the heart. Patients with cardiovascular disease and high blood pressure should pay more attention. Sweating a lot in summer, reducing blood moisture, more prone to myocardial infarction. The hot and humid weather in the beginning of summer can easily cause skin problems such as eczema, atopic dermatitis, papular urticaria, etc. It is also easy to cause mood swings, affect blood circulation, blood pressure fluctuations, headaches and angina pectoris. Zheng Zhiren recommends 4 kinds of ingredients suitable for Lixia.

Lixia 4 ingredients

1. Lotus Leaf

Efficacy: cool in nature, bitter and acrid in taste, return to the heart, liver and spleen meridians. It has the functions of dispelling summer heat and removing dampness, strengthening the spleen and raising yang, dissipating blood stasis and stopping bleeding.

Note on eating: People with weak spleen and stomach, abdominal pain and diarrhea, chronic illness with yang deficiency and cold limbs, lung cold and cough should not eat more.

2. Winter Melon

Efficacy: cool in nature, sweet and light, enter the lung, large intestine, small intestine and bladder meridian. It can moisten the lungs and produce body fluid, resolve phlegm and quench thirst, diuresis and reduce swelling, clear heat and dispel summer heat, and detoxify and expel pus.

Note on eating: People with weak spleen and stomach, abdominal pain and diarrhea, chronic illness with yang deficiency and cold limbs, lung cold and cough should not eat more.

3. Ume

Efficacy: It is sour and astringent in nature, and enters the liver, spleen, lung, and large intestine meridians. It has the effect of astringing the lungs, promoting body fluid and astringing the intestines, and can be used for chronic cough, chronic diarrhea, deficiency heat and polydipsia, dysentery, vomiting and other diseases.

Note on eating: People with hyperacidity, acute cough, and chronic bronchitis should not eat more.

4. Cucumber

Efficacy: cool in nature and sweet in taste, enters the spleen, stomach and large intestine meridians. It has the functions of clearing away heat and removing dampness, detoxifying and detumescence, and promoting body fluid and quenching thirst.

Note on eating: People with weak spleen and stomach, abdominal pain and diarrhea, chronic illness with yang deficiency and cold limbs, lung cold and cough should not eat more.

Note:Each person’s constitution is different. If you have any questions, you should consult a registered Chinese medicine practitioner or doctor.

Summer health:

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