Bell pepper: discover the benefits of each food color

2023-12-29 19:18:36

Colorful and versatile: these are the main characteristics of peppers. However, it makes a difference knowing which color to choose, as each shade provides a different flavor to the dish – and, in the same way, brings different benefits to the body. After all, what is the difference between the types of peppers?

Nutritionist Fabiana Freire, coordinator of the nutrition course at Centro Universitário Maurício de Nassau Paulista, explains that the natural properties are different due to the period in which the peppers are harvested, which defines the color of the food.

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“It remains yellow or red when it is harvested months after planting, already ripe. The first has a high level of vitamin C, acting as an expectorant and decongestant, for example. Red has the antioxidant lycopene, which reduces cardiovascular problems, vitamins A, C and E and hypoglycemic properties,” he says.

The harvest of green peppers, in turn, occurs early. “In this case, it will be rich in vitamins E and B, carotenoids and beta-carotene, minerals and antioxidants. This food helps prevent cataracts and some types of cancer, such as intestine and throat,” he adds.

Read the full report in Saúde em Dia, a partner of Metropolises.

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