benefits and properties of this fruit

The grape, a real treasure of well-being. This fruit is not only sweet and thirst-quenching but also contains a significant dose of nutrients and antioxidants that wink at our well-being. In a single grape, there’s a riot of antioxidants, fiber, and vitamins. Thanks to its beneficial effects on cell renewal, in fact, grapes are a real concentrate of beauty that will refine the texture of your skin. Let’s find out why eating grapes is good for you.
In addition, everything made broth from the grape: the skin, the berries, the pulp, the pips… nothing should be thrown away, otherwise you will lose the many benefits that are hidden in each of its parts.
Discover all its benefits on the body
The grape, a real treasure of well-being. This fruit is not only sweet and thirst-quenching but also contains a significant dose of nutrients and antioxidants that wink at our well-being. According to the food composition tables established by the CREA Centro Alimenti e Nutritazione, 100 grams of fresh grapes provide about 64 Kcal: water constitutes an abundant quantity (81.3%), carbohydrates about 15.6%, 1.5% fiber, 0.5% protein and very few fats, representing only 0.1%. This fruit, whose seasonality goes from August to October, is very rich in mineral salts, in particular in potassium (192 mg/100g), and in vitamins, in particular Vitamin A (18 mg) and C (6 mg).
Grapes are rich in antioxidants
Any grape variety contains flavonoids, polyphenols, tannins, protoanthocyanidins, resveratrol. They are natural organic substances with strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. When we introduce them into our body, they help us fight against free radicals, responsible for cellular aging. These substances also support the function of the endothelium, which is the inner wall of blood vessels, and promote the inhibition of the oxidation of Ldl lipoproteins (the “bad” cholesterol), which in the long term causes the development of atherosclerosis. and related pathologies.

Excellent fiber supply
It is good to consume whole grapes because the skin and the pips not only enhance the action of the substances contained in the pulp but, being particularly rich in fiber, promote good intestinal functioning. For this reason, people with gastritis, colitis or diverticulosis should limit their intake. Grapes are also very rich in sugars: at full maturity, they can reach 25 grams per 100 in weight. On the one hand, it is an extraordinary benefit, since it gives energy without tiring the digestive system, but on the other hand, it can create problems in diabetics or in those who suffer from intolerance to sugars.

Why is eating grapes good for you?
Grapes are not lacking in vitamins A, B, C. As for vitamins, grapes contain A, B, C, very valuable shields for our immune system, especially between September and October. This fruit is high in potassium and low in sodium, which means it makes you urinate a lot – a wonder for people with kidney disease and high blood pressure. Completely devoid of fats and proteins, like all vegetables, grapes can also be consumed in weight loss diets.
It’s good for the heart
Black grapes are also good for the heart.
Indeed, it contains resveratrol, a phenol present on the skin (hence the importance of eating whole berries) and which is protective for the heart. Do you also remember the story of the wine that makes good blood? In reality, it is because of the grapes, with which the wine is made: the aforementioned resveratrol makes the blood more fluid and thus avoids the formation of very dangerous thrombotic plaques.
Good amount of phosphoric acid, silicon and linoleic acid
Again: the right percentages of phosphoric acid and silicon acid are good for skin and hair: this was already discovered by the ancients 4,000 years ago, since grape wraps were already used at the time to have toned skin and shiny hair. The berries also contain linolenic acid, an essential fatty acid to preserve the firmness and elasticity of our skin.

Say goodbye to wrinkles
The antioxidant cocktail contained in a small bunch of grapes is vital for our beauty. While for wrinkles, it’s more of a deadly cocktail: daily and prolonged consumption of grapes smoothes wrinkles more than any anti-aging cream.
In short: an apple a day keeps the doctor away, but a few grapes keep the beautician or even the plastic surgeon away.

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