Benefits of eating ostrich meat | console

04:50 PM

Monday 12 September 2022

Written by – Yasmine El-Sawy

Ostrich meat is considered one of the most expensive types of red meat in the world, in addition to its wonderful taste and distinctive flavour.

In the following lines, “Consulto” reviews everything you need to know about ostrich meat, its benefits and the reasons for its high prices, according to the “Health line” website.

Why is ostrich meat the most expensive?

Ostrich farms are somewhat limited, unlike cattle and cattle farms, and therefore ostrich meat becomes a commodity that cannot be permanently available.

Knowing that ostrich meat is a very healthy meal for those who want to lose weight or have diabetes and cardiovascular problems, among others, because it is low in fat and low in calories and cholesterol.

Ostrich meat also contains a high percentage of various vitamins and minerals necessary for the body, such as iron, zinc, vitamin B12, protein, niacin, selenium, vitamin B6 and others.

Magical benefits of ostrich meat

1- It lowers cholesterol

Ostrich meat contains a small amount of cholesterol, with a cholesterol level of about 0.063 grams per 100 grams of meat.

2- Rich in protein

Ostrich meat is characterized by containing a high percentage of protein, which is one of the important nutrients for building healthy and strong muscles and feeling full and full as long as possible, as 20.6% of protein per 100 grams of meat.

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3- Rich in iron

Iron is one of the important minerals necessary for the body to be healthy and able to fight diseases, and ostrich meat contains an abundant amount of iron, about 3.1 milligrams per 100 grams of meat.

4- Lack of fat in it

Ostrich meat contains very little fat, less than 12% fat per 100g, which is great for people who want to lose weight and protect their cardiovascular health.

5- It is low in calories

Ostrich meat has fewer calories than chicken or turkey and is a great alternative to beef and other sources of red meat.

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