Benefits of pumpkin seeds and their preparations

This vegetable is a source of omega-3, which helps in heart health.

The auyama is a vegetable with a sweet flavor. It is baked or can be steamed, although some crush it and thus obtain a different dish.

From a cream or a purée, even a risotto. It is easy to think of some kind of use for this ingredient in the kitchen.

This whole food is usually stored in a cool, dark place for about six weeks.

However, once cut it spoils quickly. So it is recommended that you de-seed it, wrap it in transparent plastic wrap and then refrigerate it.

There are numerous varieties of pumpkin, of different kinds and shapes, some of them huge, others tiny, some round and fat and others elongated.

Now, its seeds are also usable. These provide various health benefits, because they are rich in omega-3, fibers, good fats, antioxidants and minerals such as iron and magnesium.

Therefore, the seeds can be included in the diet, to improve the functioning of both the brain and the heart, as well as promote intestinal health and reduce inflammation in the body caused by various diseases.

Pumpkin seeds can be consumed whole or crushed, and can be incorporated into salads or in the preparation of some meals.

In addition, it is also possible to find pumpkin seed oil in some health food stores and through the internet, which also provides various health benefits.

Promote relaxation and increase well-being
These seeds have a high amount of magnesium and tryptophan, which are substances that act at the brain level, helping to combat excess stress, fatigue and stimulate memory.

Pumpkin seeds are rich in fiber, which makes for a greater feeling of satiety and the person reduces food portions, eating fewer calories and promoting weight loss.

Likewise, fiber also helps control the absorption of sugar at the intestinal level, making it more stable in the blood, reducing anxiety.

Therefore, they should be included in the diet in conjunction with a healthy diet, as well as with physical activity.

Increase muscle mass
These seeds provide an excellent source of protein, so those who are looking to increase muscle mass can include them in salads, smoothies, yogurts, cereals or even snacks.

decrease inflammation
The seeds are an excellent source of omega 3, which exerts an anti-inflammatory action against stress processes or diseases that may be causing a state of inflammation in the body, it also protects the body from cardiovascular and brain diseases, improving memory and provision.

Improve prostate and thyroid health
They are rich in zinc, a mineral that is important for strengthening the immune system and helps regulate the functioning of the thyroid.

Some studies have shown that daily consumption of these seeds helps reduce the symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia and improve quality of life.

Fight intestinal parasites
These seeds have been used as a home remedy to combat intestinal parasites, because they have antiparasitic and anthelmintic action and can be used in children and adults.

How to prepare the seeds
To consume the seeds, they must be extracted from the pumpkin, washed and placed on a plate to expose them to the sun, it is important to cover the plate with a fine mesh to prevent flies from landing on them. Once dry they can be consumed.

Another way that these seeds can be prepared is by placing them on a tray with parchment paper in the oven at a maximum of 75º C until they are golden brown, which usually takes about 30 minutes. It is important to move them to avoid burning. They can also be toasted in a pan or in the microwave.

If you want to give them a different flavor, you can sprinkle the seeds with a little olive oil, and/or a pinch of cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg or salt.

dry seeds
The properly dried seeds can be used whole in salad or soup, for example, or as an appetizer at snack time, when sprinkled with a little salt and ginger powder, as is common in Greece.

However, you should not add too much salt to them, especially if you suffer from hypertension. Consuming around 10 to 15 grams of seeds every day for 1 week is excellent for eliminating intestinal parasites.

crushed seeds
They can be added to cereal, yogurt, or fruit juice. To crush them, simply place them in a blender or food processor.

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