Berlin and the Ukraine war: Berlin relocates the collection point for donations to Tempelhof Airport – the main train station is overloaded – Berlin

Continued great willingness to help Ukraine refugees in Berlin

The willingness to help refugees from Ukraine continues unabated in Berlin. “The Berliners are really so helpful that we are very touched by it”, said a spokeswoman for the city mission on Friday of the German Press Agency. the willingness to donate was so big that a facility for housing the refugees asked on Friday initially no more donations in kind.

This was also reported by the managing director of the “Moabit helps” association, which has been supporting refugees in Berlin for years. “In my opinion, the solidarity even surpasses the solidarity in 2015”, said Diana Henniges. So many donations arrive that almost all of them can no longer be used for the refugees. The excess donations in kind are then passed on to the homeless aid, for example.

According to the spokeswoman for the Berlin City Mission, the willingness to help is also overwhelming in other areas. For example, people would stand for hours at the main train station to offer refugees a place to sleep in their own four walls. “The willingness to help extends to all areas. So that people open their apartments, their most private area, that surprised me too,” said the spokeswoman.

In her opinion, the arrival and accommodation of the refugees is very well organized. The spokeswoman was confident that the structures would continue to be “professionalized and established” over the next few days. “Then everyone will know better how to do it. Here everyone learns from day to day how it can be done better, and then in a few weeks everything will run smoothly.”

Henniges would like one from Berlin politics better communication also to optimize the organization. “Communicating at eye level is missing. Talk to us – we know how to do it.”

Berlin is “the big pivot” for Ukrainian refugees – as the Governing Mayor Franziska Giffey put it. And the number of refugees arriving in the capital continues to rise. Both originally expected 20,000 According to Social Senator Katja Kipping (left), it will probably not stay that way. (dpa)

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