Beware 7 signs in your body that reveal cancer.. Discover them early

01:30 PM

Saturday 13 August 2022

I wrote – Shaima Morsi

Cancer is terrifying, so it is important to know where it is caught early, to increase the chances of stopping its growth or spreading in its tracks.

In the following report, “Masrawy” reviews the most prominent signs that indicate that you have cancer so that you can deal with it seriously, according to what the “eatthis” website mentioned.

1- Lumps and swelling in the lymph nodes:

When your body is fighting a cold, the flu, or any other illness, the lymph nodes in your neck and armpit may swell or appear enlarged. It has lumps, which is a sign that something else may be wrong.

So if you discover a lump that does not go away after a few days, seek medical attention to evaluate it carefully, as it can be an early indication of leukemia or it may also be a sign of lymphoma.

2- blood in stool

You can have blood in your stool, for example because you have a fissure or crack in the tissue around the rectum, from hemorrhoids, from ulcerative colitis or many other diseases, however, clear bright red blood in the stool indicates that a blood test is necessary for the possibility of infection colon cancer, so go to your doctor if you see blood in your stool for examination and reassurance.

3- A hoarse voice will not go away.

Recovering from a cold or other illness may also cause you to have a hoarse voice for a few days, but if your voice becomes unexplained hoarse and lasts for several weeks, it could be a sign of laryngeal cancer.

4- Jaundice:

Jaundice is a yellowing of the skin and eyes that may itch and irritate. The skin turns yellow when a tumor blocks the bile duct and a yellow pigment called bilirubin builds up.

According to a study reviewed by Dr. Peter Saul, “Almost half of patients are diagnosed with a tumor in the head of the pancreas and many will develop jaundice,” so if your skin becomes yellowish, it is best to see your doctor right away to make sure you do not have pancreatic cancer.

5- Skin growths on your head or neck:

According to the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD), each year about two million Americans are diagnosed with basal cell carcinoma, a common form of skin cancer.

Detecting this type of skin cancer early is critical to preventing it from spreading. The good news is that this type of skin cancer grows slowly but the bad news is that it’s easy to confuse with a pimple or scar, so the AAD warns that basal cell carcinomas often develop. On the head or neck that looks like a shiny, raised, round growth. If you notice any abnormal skin growths or irritation that looks like this, make an appointment with a dermatologist.

6- A single solid lump in the breast:

Early detection is key to stopping the spread of breast cancer, and lumps and bumps in breast tissue are signs that cancer may be developing.

“80% of breast lumps are benign (non-cancerous), and it’s important to look for single, solid lumps on your breasts, so if you see any bumps, thickening or abnormalities, see your doctor,” says specialists at the Carol M. Baldwin Breast Care Center of Stony Brook Cancer Center. .

7. White or gray patches in your mouth

You may find white patches in your mouth. If you notice thickened areas in your mouth that are white or gray and cannot be scraped off, it is likely that there is a tissue change that may be cancerous.

According to the World Health Organization, there are about 657,000 new cases of oral cancer developing in the world each year, so if you are a tobacco user, drink alcohol frequently, or lead an unhealthy lifestyle, you are more likely to develop a form of oral cancer.

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