Beware .. 7 signs that may warn you of cancer

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The exact symptoms can vary between forms of cancer. It may not cause some types of cancer. Like pancreatic cancer, symptoms are immediate.

but nevertheless. There are still some signs that warn you of cancer. Get to know the most important ones.

-Weight loss:
When cancer cells attack healthy cells. You may lose weight. According to the American Cancer Society. Many people unexpectedly lose 10 pounds or more before they are diagnosed with cancer.

Fever is the body’s response to an infection or disease. People with cancer often have a fever as a symptom. It is usually a sign that the cancer has spread or is in an advanced stage.

Blood loss:
Some types of cancer may cause unusual bleeding. For example, colon or rectal cancer may cause blood in the stool. While blood in the urine may be a symptom of prostate or bladder cancer.

Pain and fatigue
Unexplained fatigue may be another symptom of cancer. It is actually one of the most common symptoms. Fatigue that doesn’t seem to go away despite adequate sleep may be a symptom of an underlying health problem. And cancer is just one possibility.

Persistent cough:
Coughing can occur for any reason. It is the body’s natural way of getting rid of unwanted substances. Colds, allergies, the flu, or even low humidity can all lead to a cough. When it comes to lung cancer. Coughing can persist for a long time despite treatments. The cough may be frequent and may cause hoarseness. As the disease progresses you may cough up blood.

Skin changes:
Skin changes are often associated with skin cancer. Where moles or warts change or enlarge. Certain changes in the skin may also indicate other forms of cancer.

Night sweats:
Night sweats are more severe than light sweating or feeling very warm. Night sweats can occur for a number of reasons not linked to cancer. However. Night sweats can also be linked to the early stages of many cancers. Ranging from leukemia and lymphoma to liver cancer.

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