Beware: Health Problems in Your 40s Before Retirement Age

2024-03-22 14:27:14

Problems will begin long before retirement

As you reach a certain age, the risk of developing many diseases increases sharply. There is an explanation for this, explained therapist and gastroenterologist Irina Krasnyak in an interview with RIAMO.

According to her, the dangerous age is 40 years. During this period, diabetes mellitus, coronary heart disease, hypertension, osteoporosis, depression often appear, cancer tumors and signs of dementia are detected.

“Women between the ages of 40 and 50 experience menopause, which is accompanied by a sharp decline in levels of sex hormones that normally protect against cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis and cancer,” she said.

The doctor explained that in men, the decrease in the level of sex hormones occurs at a slower rate, although it begins earlier – 23-25 ​​years. But they also have a dangerous age – 40 years. By this time, the consequences of bad habits and overwork at work accumulate.

Irina Krasnyak does not consider the problem insoluble. You just need to pay attention to yourself – get into the habit of regularly undergoing medical examinations, and adhere to a healthy lifestyle.

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