beware of the risk of drowsiness during the day

Obstructive sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome – or more simply sleep apnea – is a chronic disease that affects approximately 3 million French people. It is characterized by repeated cessations of breathing (apnea) during sleep. In question: the obstruction of the pharynx which prevents the air from passing with, as a result, the occurrence of snoring.

But that is not its only symptom. These breathing pauses lead to a drop in the level of oxygen in the blood, repeated micro-awakenings and sleep fragmentation, which are not always perceived by the patient but lead to fatigue and drowsiness.

Fatigue and drowsiness: do not confuse

But as warns Dr. Marc Sapène, president of Alliance Apnée du Sommeil, fatigue and drowsiness are not one and the same entity. “Fatigue corresponds to the difficulty in maintaining a performance, it is manifested by muscle pain, staring, stiff neck. Drowsiness is the difficulty in staying awake, with a significant risk of falling asleep. It is due to a lack or poor quality of sleep. Its only natural treatment is to sleep, while fatigue will be corrected by rest. ».

And drowsiness should not be put aside. This risk of falling asleep can increase the risk of road accidents or work accidents. ” People do not measure the severity of drowsiness “, continues Dr. Sapène.

« People who work as crane operators, truck drivers, airplane pilots or security HQ managers, for example, not only take a risk for themselves but, by the nature of their profession, also endanger the lives of others. “, continues the specialist.

And even when sleep apnea is treated, the danger remains. Thus, 13% of patients treated remain drowsy despite well-conducted treatment. This is called residual sleepiness. These patients present a risk of road accident 5 times higher than the general population.

When to consult?

« Drowsiness is normal when it occurs in the evening before bedtime, after the lunch break, the day after a short night or in the months following the arrival of a baby. », explains Marc Sapene. ” It becomes pathological when it occurs daily, at any time of the day, and interferes with daily activities ».

If this is your case, do not hesitate to consult your doctor. Note that daytime sleepiness can also be assessed using the Epworth test, available on the Alliance Apnée du Sommeil website.

This test allows, in a few minutes, to establish a drowsiness score. Greater than or equal to 10, this score characterizes pathological daytime sleepiness.

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