Beware.. Pain in the upper abdomen or back when sleeping is a harbinger of cancer

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Pancreatic cancer is one of the six most common types of cancer in the world. It is a disease whose symptoms do not appear until its late stages.

Jaundice is the most common symptom of pancreatic cancer, but there is another symptom that appears only in the period of relaxation or before bedtime, according to what was revealed by a group of British doctors.

The Express website notes that British National Health Service experts explained why pain in the upper abdomen and back before bed may be a harbinger of cancer.

Experts say, “Pancreatic cancer can be accompanied by pain in the epigastric region (upper part of the abdomen) and sometimes travels to the lower back, depending on the position of the body.

Doctors advise when feeling such pain that they should see a doctor, to make sure that it is not due to a malignant tumor, or vice versa, to confirm it, and in light of that, prescribe the necessary treatment.”

The symptoms of pancreatic cancer are attributed to: changes in stool; flatulence, dark urine, loss of appetite or weight; Tiredness, high temperature, fever or chills.

Doctors attribute to the risk group: smokers, those who suffer from excess weight, alcoholics, and those over 75 years old, and those who suffer from chronic pancreatitis are excessive in eating red and processed meat.

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