Big releases in Beijing, Shanghai, and Shenzhen! It’s about stock mortgage interest rates! How much money you can save up to now can be counted! _ Oriental Fortune Network

2023-09-01 06:10:53

Following the news of the two departments’ big news last night, today, Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, and Henan announced the lower limit of the first set of commercial personal housing loan interest rates! Combined with the existing stock mortgage interest rate of the home buyer, how much money can be saved? Do the math yourself!

On September 1, the Beijing Branch of the People’s Bank of China issued a public announcement,From October 2019 to the present, the lower limit of the interest rate of the first set of commercial personal housing loans in Beijing is the loan market quotation rate (LPR) of the corresponding period + 55 BP.

The lower limit of the country’s first commercial personal housing loan interest rate is: LPR from October 2019 to May 2022, and LPR-20 BP from May 2022 to now.

In addition, according to the Shanghai headquarters of the central bank, in order to ensure the smooth implementation of the adjustment of the stock mortgage interest rate, the Shanghai headquarters of the central bank now announces the self-regulatory lower limit of the first set of commercial personal housing loan interest rates in Shanghai; among them, the lower limit of the interest rate implemented in Shanghai from July 24, 2021 to now is LPR +35BP.

On September 1, the Shenzhen Branch of the People’s Bank of China announced the historical adjustment of the lower limit of the first-home loan interest rate in Shenzhen.From October 8, 2019 to the present, the lower limit of the executive interest rate in Shenzhen is LPR+30BP.

In addition, on September 1, the Henan Branch of the People’s Bank of China announced today the lower limit of first-home loan interest rates in cities in Henan Province. In order to ensure the smooth implementation of the adjustment of stock mortgage interest rates, the Henan Branch of the People’s Bank of China announced to the public the lower limit of the first-home loan interest rates in cities in Henan Province since the reform and improvement of the loan market quotation rate (LPR) (October 2019 (inclusive)).

It is understood that the lower limit of interest rates in Zhengzhou since January has been LPR-50 basis points, the lower limit of interest rates in Luoyang and Puyang since January has been LPR-30 basis points, and the lower limit of interest rates in Pingdingshan and Nanyang since January has been LPR -35 basis points, the lower limit of interest rates implemented in Zhumadian from April to now is LPR-35 basis points, the lower limit of interest rates implemented in Zhumadian (non-central urban areas) from May 2022 to now is LPR-20 basis points, other cities since May 2022 to the present The lower limit of the interest rate is LPR-20 basis points.

Key points: The adjusted interest rate cannot be lower than the lower limit of the first housing loan interest rate policy in the city where the original loan was issued

The policy proposed last night that starting from September 25, 2023, borrowers of commercial personal housing loans for the first set of housing can apply to the financial institution that undertakes the loan, and the financial institution will issue new loans to replace the existing first set of housing commercial personal housing loan.

The interest rate level of the newly issued loan shall be independently negotiated and determined by the financial institution and the borrower, but the range of points added to the quoted loan market interest rate (LPR) shall not be lower than the lower limit of the interest rate policy for commercial personal housing loans for the first house in the city where the original loan is issued . The newly issued loans can only be used to repay commercial personal housing loans for the first house in stock, and are still included in the management of commercial personal housing loans.

It is worth noting here that the adjusted interest rate cannot be lower than the lower limit of the first housing loan interest rate policy in the city where the original loan was issued.

For example: if the local lower limit interest rate is lpr+50bp when the loan is issued, client a will have lpr+100bp, and client b will have lpr+50bp. Now it’s time to sub-limit lpr-20bp. Then client a can adjust to lpr+50bp at most, and client b cannot.

That is to say, if the mortgage quota was in short supply at that time, which caused a small part of the business to increase the price, this part of the price increase could be returned.

Some people “the total interest is 410,000 less, and the monthly repayment is more than 1,700 yuan!” You can also do the math

The introduction of this policy has benefited two groups of people in particular.

One category is home buyers who “stand guard” with interest rates. According to City Express, Xiao Chen, a new Hangzhou native, bought a second-hand house in the north of Xiaoshan City in September 2021. The interest rate for the first house was 6.1% (LPR+145bp). received loan. Since then, the LPR has been lowered many times, but because the additional points are too high, the interest rate is still at a high level of 5.75%.

“When I heard the news last night, I was so excited that I didn’t sleep well,” Xiao Chen said. According to the adjustment method of the stock first-home loan, the adjusted loan interest rate cannot be lower than the lower limit of the first-home loan interest rate policy in the city where the original loan was issued. If calculated according to the lower limit, the original interest rate of 5.75% will drop to 4.2% (at that time, the lower limit of Hangzhou’s first home loan interest rate policy was LPR without adding points).

For homebuyers, the 1.55% rate cut is a fat spread. Taking a commercial loan of 2 million yuan and repaying the principal with equal interest over 20 years as an example, after the adjustment, Xiao Chen’s monthly payment will be reduced from 14,042 yuan to 12,331 yuan, which is 1,711 yuan less per month and 410,000 yuan less in total interest.

Another category is the replacement population, which also includes the situation that the family’s only house was not purchased at the time of purchase, but other houses were sold through transactions later, and this house became the family’s only house.

Mr. Yu, an old Hangzhou native who has improved the replacement, can also enjoy the policy dividend due to the regulation that the first house should be recognized but not the loan. Mr. Yu bought a house in early 2021, equipped with some financial products, and talked about the second set of interest rates at 6.05%. After buying a new house, the old house was sold, and the current house is the only one for the family. According to the adjustment of the stock mortgage interest rate, the original second set of interest rates will be reduced to 4.2% of the first set of interest rates, and the burden will be significantly reduced.

Is your house purchase within the adjustment range of the stock first-home loan interest rate? How much money can I save at most? Come and do the math yourself.

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(Source of article: Daily Economic News)

Article source: Daily Economic News

Original title: Just now, Beijing, Shanghai, and Shenzhen have released a lot! It’s about stock mortgage interest rates! The most you can save is now!

Solemnly declare:Oriental Fortune publishes this content to disseminate more information, has nothing to do with the position of this site, and does not constitute investment advice. Proceed accordingly at your own risk.

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