Birth of the Fourth Reich, France at war, stock market crash… Medvedev’s delirious prophecies for 2023

Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has published his 10 predictions for the year 2023. Against the backdrop of the war in Ukraine, they come to discredit the Kremlin’s propaganda a little more as they are far-fetched.

We knew the credibility of Russian propaganda at a very low level, it has just hit rock bottom. Dmitry Medvedev, former Russian president, close to Putin and current president of the presidential party, comes to compete with Nostradamus by trying his hand at prophecies. Like the new plagues of Egypt, the Russian has published its predictions for Europe even though the war in Ukraine does not yet show any way out.

In 2023, in addition the explosion of oil and gas prices which could translate to Vladimir Putin’s latest decision on exports, Medvedev is betting on the return of the United Kingdom to the European Union. A return that will lead to “the collapse of the Union and the fall of the Euro as a currency”.

France will go to war

Ukraine would not be at the end of its troubles either since Poland and Hungary could, according to the words of the Russian, occupy the east of the country. Even more delirious, the creation of the Fourth Reich headed by Germany, followed by Poland, the Baltic States, Slovakia or even the future “Republic of kyiv”.

When this alliance was created, France declared war on the Fourth Reich and caused the division of the continent and Poland. Ireland will unify and leave the United Kingdom.

6. War will break out between France and the Fourth Reich. Europe will be divided, Poland repartitioned in the process

7. Northern Ireland will separate from the UK and join the Republic of Ireland

— Dmitry Medvedev (@MedvedevRussiaE) December 26, 2022

Finally, across the Atlantic, a new civil war could break out according to Medvedev in the United States. It will lead to the independence of Texas and California. After Elon Musk’s victory as President of the country, the world’s major financial centers will move to Asia. 2023 could see the advent of cryptocurrencies after a monetary crash of the dollar and the euro.

Lunar predictions that ultimately only serve the Kremlin’s anti-Western propaganda.

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