Bitcoin Gambling Games – Are They Probably Fair?

Let’s be honest here, everyone wants to get the best bang for their buck. In fact, it is a basic human instinct to want to get more of something when you only have to work with less. We all know about these exquisite tales of how people can go from rags to riches in a matter of hours by investing into one of the many cryptocurrencies out there today. However, let’s face it that this “Everest” is a little too hard for newbies and even seasoned players alike. So where do we turn towards? The trusty only online casino games like on Joo Casino! If you are like person described above who was lucky enough not having pockets picked after spilling some money on favorite forms of entertainment, you would know how these reputable brands can make or break your wallet. And let’s face it; there is no shortage of Bitcoin gambling games.

In a lot of cases, when one starts playing a Bitcoin gambling game, the first thing they want to know is, “Are these games fair?” In fact, this question has been addressed many times before in articles and videos on multiple YouTube channels. However, what is most important, is that the answer is understood from a laymen’s point of view without any cryptography or mathematical concepts involved.

In this article, we will demonstrate why it’s always possible to see if a gambling game was fair or not since the beginning of time until now. This demonstration can be done with a block explorer and no advanced knowledge about Bitcoin at all. So let’s get started!

Why would a roulette wheel inside a casino be fair, while a Bitcoin roulette game isn’t?

The truth is that services publish statistics about payouts and wins so people can estimate their chances of winning, but at the same time this might reveal valuable information about how certain clients respond to double-spend attacks (which is valuable knowledge if attack vectors are found). The only difference is that the traditional games have been tested for centuries while the BTC version has to prove its own credibility. 

In layman’s terms: “the roulette will always land on black because statistics say so.” In technical terms: “a ball from an arbitrarily large sequence of measurements will fall within a finite interval with probability 1.”

The Pros of Bitcoin Online Games

  1. One thing about bitcoin gambling sites is that they will let you double your money if you lose and there isn’t any risk of losing everything. Another benefit is that there isn’t any personal detail needed to play so it’s safe and secure as long as you follow the rules of the site that you’re using. You can also play at home or on your mobile device, regardless of whether it’s an iPhone, Android phone/tablet, Windows Phone, Blackberry OS or whatever else might be out there!
  2. Bitcoin gambling games are founded on one very important thing: The blockchain. This revolutionary technology allows for all players to be able to play in a fair way, ensuring that they too can benefit from the game. At the same time, this technology also provides transparency for casino owners and game developers so everyone can trust them while playing their favourite games.

The transparency allows players to check the results of each bet they place before confirming it, so they can verify that there is no foul play involved between the game, platform or server. This also helps casinos avoid scam accusations from their customers – just think about how many times you’ve read articles where people claim that they got cheated by online casinos using traditional payment systems.

As for some more benefits:

– There is no need for a download

– There is also no risk of losing everything and it lets you double what you bet if you lose;

– It protects your identity;

The bottom line

Take all factors into account when looking for reliable bitcoin gambling sites, and you’ll see why people choose to avoid traditional payment methods. At the same time, games with this technology also allow for very high limits on deposits and withdrawals – no more waiting around to deposit or having your winnings stuck because of some obscure rule that was written somewhere in the fine print… just quick action.

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