Bitkub Announces Investment in ThaiGPT, Prepare to Develop Thai Nationality AI

I’m interested AI type called Transformative AI which previously had Recommendation System, such as the visibility of YouTube,TikTok, Facebook or all E-commerce

AI They use artificial intelligence to prioritize human-generated content. and affect people’s decision-making. Both in terms of interest, sales, and political consequences. For example, during the US presidential election, the Trump era.

come to this round Generative AI It’s not just ranking. But it both helps create and create content yourself, believing that the impact will be much more severe. If you don’t jump in, it’s a pity. because it is probably a technology that will change the world for sure

After being excited and coming to study seriously The more I saw the opportunity, so I invited Dome Dom Charoenyos came to set ThaiGPT Together, then persuaded friends to help think, help, and help invest today. Sakolkorn Sakavee of Bitkub come together

by Bitkub will invest in ThaiGPT This time, I’m even more excited … We’ve got a lot to do today.

A big move by tech experts like this. It is considered important to drive new businesses. And the country to have a lot more handicap

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