Bizerta | “SEA Tech’Hack” Hackathon: The ecosystem of start-ups is asserting itself in the blue economy!

2023-06-20 10:55:44

Launched by the CBC, financed by the European Union and implemented by “Expertise France” within the framework of the “Innov’i – EU4Innovation” project, the Hackathon “SEA Tech’Hack” is an action intended for students and all other young creative project leaders in the maritime sectors and the blue economy with a technological component.

To promote entrepreneurship in the Bizerte region and further boost the existing ecosystem, the “Coworking Business Center” (CBC Bizerte) launched, for 48 hours (from Friday until Sunday June 18, 2023), the Hackathon “SEA Tech’Hack”, during which the bearers of ideas were able to have technical assistance from several experts, in particular in ideation, communication and branding, assembly of the business model and pitching to have a clear and well-structured idea. around their projects.

A first…

“At the end of the Hackathon, three winning projects were selected through the members of an independent jury committee, made up of experts in professions related to the blue economy. They are experts in setting up projects, digital transformation, representatives of the regional ecosystem of start-ups…, in addition to academics,” said Osswa Dridi, CBC development advisor, in a statement given to La Presse.

Regarding the choice of this theme, she mentioned that as a coastal city, Bizerte is a port city par excellence. It is rich in terms of biological diversity and marine ecosystem. “It should be noted that this initiative is a first of its kind in our country,” said Dridi.

“We are the first incubator to address the theme of the blue economy in support programs for start-ups in Tunisia. In this regard, such an initiative consolidates and further strengthens the existing potential and will be more valuable if it comes from the young people of the region. And with this involvement and this awareness, our young startupers will take over and get involved in a spontaneous way in the preservation of the existing ecosystem. So, it is enough to give these young people a boost to create this feeling of belonging to the region, to reinforce the challenge launched, to promote entrepreneurship and of course other consequences will be triggered, ”she added. .

An experience to generalize

Once the winners have received their prize, the incubator continues its support mission through the establishment of its premises for sharing and exchanging expertise, putting you in contact with dedicated experts… so that young startupers can implement their projects.

“Specializing as a blue economy incubator is in itself an interesting, touching and impressive idea, because this sector obviously represents opportunities that should not be overlooked. Admittedly, this is only a starting point, given that as an incubator, we intend to generalize this experience throughout the national territory with the various regional incubators”, further indicated the CBC development adviser, while adding that the objective is and will always remain to allow an innovative project leader in the field of the blue economy to boost the creation of his start-up thanks to the support of the CBC.

Regarding the list of winners, the first prize was awarded to the start-up “Blue Deal”, a digital platform for the management and sale of seafood products involving fishermen. As for the second prize, it is the “4S” project for the collection of waste, oil and plastic from the sea.

While for the third prize, it was awarded to the start-up “Ghamdha” () which markets special glasses in AR/UR for virtual reality with the development of an integrated video game for an unprecedented experience at sea.

#Bizerta #SEA #TechHack #Hackathon #ecosystem #startups #asserting #blue #economy

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