Boko Haram, Anglophone crisis… is Cameroon still a haven of peace? Citizens speak out

#Other countries : Cameroon has long been considered a country of peace and social cohesion. But with the Anglophone crisis, Boko Haram and growing social unrest, the opinions of Cameroonians now diverge as to whether their country still deserves this title.

Cameroon is currently facing an unprecedented separatist crisis in its English-speaking part. Triggered on September 9, 2017, the conflict continues to this day. Two regions are directly concerned, namely the South-West and the North-West, not to mention sporadic attacks in the West and Littoral regions.

The current balance sheet of the Anglophone crisis reports more than 6,000 dead, including 1,000 in the army, more than 1,000 among the separatists and 4,000 civilians, not to mention more than 700,000 internally displaced persons and 63,800 refugees in neighboring Nigeria. But this is not the only problem that strikes Cameroon, crossed by a screaming instability in the northern and eastern regions because of the terrorist group Boko Haram and the phenomenon of highway robbers.

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And with the economic and health crises that the world has been experiencing for almost 5 years, Cameroon has not remained immune to negative repercussions. In this vein, we note social tensions due in particular to the soaring prices of basic necessities, a consequence of the Russian-Ukrainian crisis. This, not to mention the unemployment that has plagued the country for a long time, as in the rest of Africa.

There is therefore reason to question the maintenance of peace in this country. All these factors mentioned above are indeed pushing Cameroonians to wonder about the future prospects of their country at a time when the question of political transition is increasingly on the lips.

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