Boost Your Happiness: A Guide to Endorphins and Mental Well-being

2024-03-23 00:00:17

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Do you feel like happiness is slipping through your fingers in this whirlwind we call modern life? If you find yourself running around, stuck in a loop of stress and anxiety, you are not alone.

But what if we told you that the secret to feeling fulfilled and happy could be hidden inside your own brain? Yes, we are talking about endorphins, better known as happiness hormone.

Endorphins are small molecules that, when released by our brain, have the power to combat pain and reduce stress: in short, make us feel spectacularly good. We invite you to discover 10 practical ways to release these hormones and turn things around 180. to your emotional well-being.

Health: what are endorphins and how do they affect us?

Endorphins are more than just molecules in our body; They are true agents of happiness and well-being. Functioning as neurotransmitters, these chemicals are essential for communicating sensations of pleasure and relief within the nervous system.

Acts of kindness toward others are not only rewarding, but can also increase endorphins. (Source: Pexels)

According to an article on the Saber Vivir Tv site, its role in our mental and physical health is fundamental for several reasons: when released, endorphins travel to the opioid receptors of the brain and spinal cord, where they block pain and trigger a deep sensation. of wellness.

The production of endorphins is activated through:

  • physical exercise
  • Laughter
  • sexual relations
  • Consumption of spicy foods

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Endorphins not only offer us a moment of happiness; They also contribute to:

  • Long-term regulation of mood
  • Improved ability to manage stress and pain
  • A possible strengthening of the immune system, suggesting an important role in defending the body against diseases

Moderate sun exposure can improve mood by stimulating the production of endorphins. (Source: Pexels)

10 ways to release endorphins to improve your mood and happiness

Knowing how endorphins work is the first step to understanding how we can consciously influence our feelings of happiness and well-being.

Below, we present a list of practices recommended by the specialized site to stimulate the release of this powerful hormone:

  • Do physical exercise– Whether it’s an intense session of aerobic sports such as swimming, running or cycling, or a brisk walk, exercise is a key trigger for the production of endorphins. The famous “runner’s high” is tangible proof of this effect.

Physical exercise is one of the most effective ways to boost the production of endorphins in our body. (Source: Pexels)

  • Challenge as much as you can: Surrounding yourself with people who make you laugh and enjoying moments of humor activates the release of endorphins, providing sensations of pleasure and well-being.

  • Spicier please: Spicy foods can cause a release of endorphins in response to the sensation of mild pain they cause, in turn generating a feeling of well-being.

  • The power of cocoa: Consuming chocolate, especially dark chocolate rich in cocoa, stimulates the production of endorphins thanks to compounds such as phenylethylamine and theobromine.

  • daily meditation– Regular practice of meditation and mindfulness helps produce endorphins, reducing stress and improving emotional and mental well-being.

Chocolate, especially dark chocolate, contains compounds that stimulate the production of endorphins, improving your mood. (Source: Pexels)

  • A relaxing massage: Massages are not only pleasurable, but they also promote the release of endorphins thanks to the physical stimulation they provide.

  • The magic of music– Listening to music you enjoy can trigger the release of endorphins, elevating your mood almost immediately.

  • Practically to gratitude– Spending time reflecting on the things you are grateful for can boost the release of endorphins, improving your outlook on life.

  • Hug the people you love: Physical contact is a powerful tool for the release of endorphins, promoting feelings of calm and happiness.

  • Try some yoga: Combining physical exercise with conscious breathing and meditation, as done in yoga, enhances the production of endorphins, helping you reach a state of deep relaxation.


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