Boost Your Immune System and Prevent Colds: Tips from the German Federal Center for Health Awareness

2023-11-06 09:17:32

The German Federal Center for Health Awareness reported that colds can be prevented during the fall and winter seasons by strengthening the immune system by supplying the body with iron and zinc.

The center explained that the body needs these two elements so that T cells, which combat viruses inside the body, can perform their mission properly.

Food sources of iron and zinc are lentils, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, and oats.

Since pathogens are often transmitted through the hands, hands should be washed regularly and well, that is, for a period of between 20 and 30 seconds, after returning home, before eating, after using the toilet, after blowing the nose, or after contact with sick people.

In addition to healthy nutrition and washing hands regularly, you should also drink enough fluids. This moisturizes the mucous membranes in the throat, making it more difficult for pathogens to enter the body.

For this purpose, one should drink about 30 milliliters of fluid per kilogram of body weight per day, meaning that someone who weighs 70 kilograms should drink no less than 2.1 liters per day. It is better to drink water and unsweetened tea.

To strengthen the immune system, you should also continue exercising and outdoor activities.

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