Boosting HPV Vaccination: O’YES and CEF Partner for an Awareness Campaign in Wallonia-Brussels Federation

2023-10-03 07:47:58

The non-profit organization active in the field of education and promotion of sexual health O’YES and the French-speaking Student Committee (CEF) have decided to collaborate to launch an awareness campaign aimed at increasing vaccination coverage against papillomaviruses (HPV), indicates O’YES in a press release on Tuesday. “Currently, less than 50% of young people in the Wallonia-Brussels Federation have been vaccinated against HPV.“, deplores the absl.

HPV are common viral infections. “Vaccination would increase collective immunity against these infections and avoid serious consequences: warts (condyloma) and cancers in both men and women.“, points out the non-profit organization.

Through this awareness-raising, the objective is to reach more than 500 schools in the Wallonia-Brussels Federation. They will receive posters and an informative letter for parents. The psycho-medical-social centers (CPMS) will also receive a circular from the office of the Minister of Education Caroline Désir, recalling the importance of vaccination against human papillomaviruses.

The non-profit organization also reminds that vaccination is recommended for all students aged 13-14 or enrolled in secondary 2 or differentiated 1st (girls and boys). If the adolescent did not have the opportunity to be vaccinated at the recommended age, a catch-up is possible up to and including the age of 18 (regardless of gender), she adds.

O’YES also draws attention to the existence of the website which provides access to information regularly updated by a group of experts, intended for young people, parents, but also health professionals.

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