Bordeaux weather: forecast for Wednesday August 14, 2024 – 20 Minutes

Bordeaux weather: forecast for Wednesday August 14, 2024 – 20 Minutes

Today in Bordeaux, clouds will not want to give way to the sun. Values ​​will be between 16 and 24°C. In the morning, light showers will be possible. A southwest wind will cool the atmosphere noticeably. In the afternoon, scattered rain is expected. Temperatures will be between 21°C and 24°C. In the evening, temperatures will be 20°C. We will go from Wednesday to Thursday with a clear night.

Tomorrow, temperatures in the city of Bordeaux will rise by a few degrees. The mercury will average 21°C. A light northwesterly breeze will be felt by residents. A clearing is expected for this morning. Tomorrow afternoon, disturbances will still be present with small clouds. On the other hand, temperatures will rise by a few degrees. Values ​​will range between 25 and 27°C. Clear spells are expected: we will have a pleasant evening. Temperatures of around 22°C are expected.

The weather conditions in the following days will gradually change. Even if the good weather will last a little on Friday, we should expect it to deteriorate afterwards.

Tomorrow is a public holiday on the occasion of the Assumption. In the past, it was the national holiday that was celebrated on this date.



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