“Borderlands isn’t Citizen Kane but it’s fun, fun, fun!”

The brand new film adaptation of the Borderlands games just hit theaters, and while neither our dear film editor André nor critics in general liked it (currently averaging 29/100 on Metacritic) then have Cate Blanchett now (in line with the director) come out and say that the film is not an artistic masterpiece but that it is “fun, fun, fun!”.

“I mean, it’s not The Grapes of Wrath. It’s not Blade Runner. It’s its own strange, weird thing, and when you look at the casting, there’s a motley quality to it. We’re a very motley crew, in life and in art. I don’t think anyone would call Borderlands art, but it’s fun. [sometimes] the films we hold up as the greatest of all time were not financial or audience successes, yet they’ve become classics. I’m not saying Borderlands is a classic! It’s fun, fun, fun, but it’s not Citizen Kane!”

There are probably few who would have mistaken Borderlands for Citizen Kane, but the discussion about quality and art versus entertainment is constantly relevant. What do you think of Blanchett’s statement? Aren’t movies allowed to be brain dead entertainment these days?

Citizen Kane, is that you?



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