Breast lump: when should you worry?


  • According to Santé Publique France, breast cancer is the most common cancer in France and is the leading cause of cancer death in women.
  • In France, screening is free. From the age of 50, it is recommended to perform it every two years.

The self-examination of boobs is recommended for all women over the age of 25. This is a “set of simple gestures which, practiced every month, after your period, allow you to know your breasts well, to detect any anomaly”specifies the site Pink Ribbon. But what to do when a lump is detected? Stephanie Valente, surgical oncologist, from the Cleveland Clinicgives some advice.

Lump in the breast: examinations are necessary

I always tell my patients: If you feel a lump or abnormal area in your breast that persists for more than three days, you should have it checked out.”, she explains. Anything unusual, abnormal, never felt before, should be reported to a healthcare professional. “Any new mass, regardless of gender, requires a mammogram or ultrasound to see what it looks like inside.”adds Stephanie Valente.

Breast lump: what are the causes?

One of the first things that comes to mind when you think of a breast lump is the cancer. However, this specialist specifies that “dIn most cases, breast lumps are benign or non-cancerous”. They can be the consequence of changes in the fibers of the breast tissue. “Some breast lumps are cysts or fluid-filled sacs in the breastshe develops. They are common in women in their 30s and 40s, but can form at any age, especially before menstruation.” It can also be mastitis: inflammation caused by engorgement of the mammary gland. “You don’t have to be breastfeeding to experience this condition, it can happen to anyone.”, raises this specialist. It can be caused by breast implantsan autoimmune disease, eczema, nipple piercing or smoking.

Breast mass: different shapes possible

The breast masses do not have a specific form. They can be firm or hard, fixed or mobile. “Breast lumps can be as small as a pea or much larger, explains Stephanie Valente. And if you have a ‘fibroadenoma’, this type of non-cancerous breast lump tends to be smooth and rubbery.” Some breast lumps get smaller and smaller over time.

Lump in the breast: is it cancer?

The symptoms of a cancer be you are multiple and vary greatly from person to person. However, a lump accompanied by other signs can be a warning signal. The oncologist cites: a change in the size or shape of the breast, pain or pulling sensation in the nipple, fluid discharge, irritation of the skinetc. “Any change in your skin or its color, any bump, should be evaluated, even if you have recently had a mammograminsists Dr. Valente. Prevention is always better than cure!”

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