Brice Laccruche Alihanga, Tony Ondo Mba, Patrichi Tanasa and all the opposite Ajevian prisoners may very well be free quickly –

Already on provisional launch since October 20, 2023 after 04 good years in jail at Libreville central jail, the previous omnipotent chief of employees of Ali Bongo (dismissed on August 30, 2023), Brice Laccruche Alihanga, incarcerated in 2019 along with his lieutenants like Tony Ondo Mba, Christian Patrichi Tanasa Mbadinga and different members of the AJEV, will seem this Friday, Could 24, 2024 on the bar of the particular legal court docket which opens on the Libreville court docket. A trial eagerly awaited by the general public which might definitively give freedom to those “Bla-boys”, despatched, it’s stated, arbitrarily to jail with out obvious causes, however for easy settling of scores.

“The rationale why I used to be held incommunicado for 4 years may be very easy and clear. It holds in 3 factors. The primary is that at one level I opposed the galloping mismanagement of the previous first girl and her son ((Sylvia Bongo and Noureddin Bongo, Editor’s notice).

The 2nd is that given the bodily state of the previous head of state (Ali Bongo Ondimba, editor’s notice), I urged on a number of events, together with one too many, that he might withdraw from political life and to relaxation. This was my 2th error. To simplify, I’ll say 2th nail caught on my cross.

The third and closing level is that I strongly opposed the said want of the previous first girl and her son to take energy in Gabon by all potential means,” declared in an unique interview with Gabonactu. com, Mr. Laccruche Alihanga just a few hours after his launch from jail.

Billy Bendo Edo, Jérémie Ayong, Noel Mboumba, Regis Nzoundou Bignoumba, Justin Ndoundagoye, are amongst others Adjeviens anticipated on the helm. They have been all arrested as a part of the raid referred to as “Operation Scorpion”. The latter are being prosecuted for alleged acts of corruption, embezzlement of public funds, cash laundering, complicity in embezzlement of public funds and embezzlement.

Within the imaginative and prescient of the Committee for the Restoration of Establishments (CTRI, in energy), it’s a query of restoring the dignity of the Gabonese folks, by the ideas of fairness and justice. A justice which appears to be in progress with the provisional launch of different prisoners detained as a part of the identical operation similar to Ike Ngouoni, Gregory Laccruche Alihanga….

A launch undoubtedly motivated by the indignation of the President of the Transition, Common Brice Clotaire Oligui Nguema who denounced the day after his takeover of energy, the absence of honest justice for everybody within the nation.

Camille Boussoughou

2024-05-23 17:27:43
#Brice #Laccruche #Alihanga #Tony #Ondo #Mba #Patrichi #Tanasa #Ajevian #prisoners #free

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