Bringing Joy and Healing: Supporting Hospitalized Children through Artistic Expressions

2023-10-05 16:32:11

Through different artistic expressions, support is provided to hospitalized children. With laughter as the axis, we seek to contribute to the recovery of their health states.

For the second time, this innovative and admirable course will be taught, which seeks to promote inclusion and diversity in university education.

Paya-abuelo is a university extension project that arises from the initiative of teachers from the UNNE Faculty of Medicine, interested in older adults being able to collaborate with the health of hospitalized children.

In this aspect, the project contemplates providing emotional support through different tools such as theater, music, games, reading, drawing, painting and other artistic expressions, especially because laughter improves the mood, impacting favorably in the patient’s recovery and social reconnection of the elderly.

This is the second opportunity that the Faculty of Medicine carries out this training offer for older adults, therefore it encourages them to join this initiative that will provide them with learning and the possibility of giving to others what they learned.

The course lasts a month and a half, is completely free and includes a weekly two-hour meeting to learn some acting and clown techniques.

Those interested must register on the Faculty of Medicine website until mid-October 23 at the following link:

#Medicine #Begins #News #Paraná

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