Brussels Mobility Report: 20% of Vehicles Violate Road Safety Regulations

2023-07-07 12:48:25

Twenty percent of private vehicles and goods transport vehicles checked over the past three months in the Brussels Region were in violation, Brussels Mobility said in a report on Friday.

Brussels Mobility organizes, in collaboration with the police, regular checks of road transport vehicles in order to improve road safety and fight once morest unfair competition. Vans, taxis or school buses, for example, are thus subject to checks. Checks are also carried out on drink-driving.

Over the past three months, Brussels Mobility has carried out 12 control actions in cooperation with different police areas, including a mega-control involving the labor inspectorate and other organisations.

A total of 718 vehicles were checked. During this process, 91 warnings were issued, 81 minutes were drawn up and 18 loads were transferred due to overload. Two vehicles were the subject of a call to order following a technical inspection and three licenses were withdrawn because of paid passenger transport. Twenty percent of the vehicles checked were therefore in violation.

Bruxelles Mobilité mainly identified “problems related to the loading of vans and trucks, namely the absence of securing straps and overloading. In addition, many drivers are not able to present all the mandatory documents during a control”.

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