Brutal Execution of Magdaleno Meza’s Widow Captured on Camera in San Pedro Sula Bakery

2023-06-23 19:34:35

San Pedro Sula, Honduras. A camera captured the moment when Erika Julissa Bandywidow of drug dealer Magdalena Mezawas brutally executed inside a bakery in San Pedro Sula yesterday, Thursday, June 22.

The images show, in the first instance, Bandy inside the establishment, trying to flee after hearing shots outside, where subjects executed his two bodyguards.

Suddenly, a subject with a balaclava and DPI (Police Investigation Directorate) clothing appears on the scene. At that moment, Bandy tries to hide behind a lady; however, the subject shoots him in the face from a very close range.

It may interest you: Widow of Magdaleno Meza, one of the victims of the SPS massacre

Bandy falls to the ground, as if embracing the lady who also fell, although unharmed; but a second later she collapses on her back and the subject shoots her two more times, directly to the head, ending her life instantly.

The customers who are inside run terrified, not knowing what to do, because just at that moment other armed men appear.

Watch the video:

The incident was reported in a bakery located in Río de Piedras, San Pedro Sula.


The widow of Magdaleno Meza was arrested on June 6, 2018, along with her husband, and other companions. During their detention, prohibited weapons and a large amount of money were confiscated.

In 2019, after the death of Magdaleno, Erika requested that she be transferred from the prison for fear that they would make an attempt on her life.

The lawyer who defended her, Carlos Chajtur, declared through HCH that she had been released from prison in 2022, through the new reforms in the Penal Code.

#Camera #captures #moment #widow #Magdaleno #Meza #killed

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