Bullrich has not yet defined a Buenos Aires candidate and looks askance at Ritondo

40% of the national register is in the Province of Buenos Aires. Pay attention to this number, key in these 2023 Elections, Patricia Bullrich has not yet defined who will be her candidate for governor there. The president of the PRO and presidential candidate needs a leader to face in the PASO a Diego Santillichosen by Horacio Rodriguez Larreta on his adventure to reach the Casa Rosada.

There are three people from Buenos Aires listed to be Bullrich’s candidate for governor: Néstor Grindetti, mayor of Lanús; Javier Iguacel, headed by Captain Sarmiento, and Joaquín De la Torre, former community chief of San Miguel. However, the team of the former Minister of Security follow minute by minute the movements of the “third in discord”, María Eugenia Vidal.

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What can change in Bullrich’s Buenos Aires strategy in the coming weeks? Cristian Ritondo is Vidal’s candidate for Buenos Aires. But if Vidal decides to get out of the presidential fight, his former security minister in the province would have a free hand to accept Bullrich’s offer to be the candidate and play one-on-one with Santilli.

“The alternative is always there. They worked together during the management of Cambiemos. Patricia knows that Vidal is in the ring today. But if there are changes the figure of Ritondo is there available and it can be an interesting coup”, a PRO operator analyzed before PROFILE.

First contact

Notified of the rumors and the approaches that test the slopes of the holder of the PRO, on Sunday Ritondo put Bullrich well above Larretahighlighted his way of working and did not hide his closeness in the event that the Vidalista adventure comes to an end due to this election: “María Eugenia is an excellent candidate,” he said in dialogue with “Public opinion” by Channel 9.

When asked if Vidal does not go for the Presidency, he did not hesitate: “I identify much more with Patricia Bullrich.” He clarified, instantly, that “it is a subject that we will see later. Yes, I identify much more with Patricia than with Horacio.” In what sense? “I think that María Eugenia Vidal or Patricia Bullrich are much stronger in decisions, they are much more lionesses to attack than Larreta”.

“The anxieties are of the politicians, not of the people”said Vidal attentive to the pressure to make a decision with a view to the closing of the lists on June 24. “I set myself the deadline to define it at the end of this month”, pointed out the former governor of Buenos Aires.

Referring to the Juntos por el Cambio intern, the PRO referent was upset: “Three candidates, four candidates, one candidate, one ballot box, electronic ballot… I am ashamed of this discussion, because in the meantime this is happening the baby, in Rosario they kill boys”.

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It’s for three

These possible last-minute moves are accepted by the entire political arc as the closing of the candidacies approaches. In that sense -and until there is a different decision-Grindetti, from Lanús knows that it could be a historic chance for him to go for the chair of Dardo Rocha. Mayor of Lanús, leader of Independiente, he shares a friendship of more than 20 years with Ritondo and has almost daily visits with Bullrich.

On a step behind are Javier Iguacel, mayor of Captain Sarmiento, who was on a tour with Bullrich in San Martín on Saturday and joaquin de la torreformer mayor of San Miguel.


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