Bullying at School – Nyakrotun

Raka and Riana are class mates at a well-known elementary school in Bandung. Today their parents were summoned by the school principal because of bullying. Raka is the victim and Riana is the perpetrator. Suddenly this made both Raka’s and Riana’s parents surprised. Moreover, Riana at home is known as a sweet child.

Of the many cases that have occurred recently, bullying is not only dominated by one particular gender. Girls who should have a gentle nature can even become perpetrators.

According to research, a child who bullies will usually choose another child who is emotionally or physically weaker, or even one with a different appearance, just so that the bully feels more important, popular or powerful. Even in the case of Raka – Riana, Raka is a shy and nerdy child, while Riana is the head of a gang of several girls in her class. Riana often asked Raka to give cheat sheets during tests, but last time Raka was too afraid of being found out by the supervising teacher to give cheat sheets. This angered Riana and her friends.

So how do you prevent children from becoming victims of bullying?

Here are some tips that parents can do for their children

1. Grow self-confidence by instilling positive values ​​into him.
2. Practice children’s social skills by involving them in various activities outside the home.
3. Train children to solve their own problems so that they can learn to face the consequences of every problem they face.
4. Train children to dare to say “no” and dare to fight anyone who commits violence against them.

How to deal if ananda has become a victim of bullying?

1. Build good communication between parents and children. In addition, parents need to explore the child’s character and the surrounding conditions.
2. If it is proven that he is a child who is a victim of bullying, give the child support and input on how he deals with the environment and friends who are dominant or who make him uncomfortable.
3. If bullying occurs in the home environment or sibling rivalry, parents need to be fair in dealing with disputes between siblings, and instill the value of affection and compactness among them.
4. Parents need to build children’s self-confidence and give rewards so that children feel valuable in front of others.
5. Instill children’s independence in the courage to make decisions and solve problems with their friends. For example, when should children talk carefully, ignore bullying behavior, or immediately report it to teachers and parents.

Both perpetrators and victims of bullying are at risk of experiencing mental problems. Fathers and Mothers need to recognize what factors cause children to bully and how to overcome them.

The main factor that causes a child to bully is violent behavior, whether it’s what children witness directly or from TV or video games, or even violent behavior that children experience themselves from those closest to them. Many of the victims of bullying then turn into bullies. In the case of Raka – Riana, after tracing it turned out that Riana had often experienced violent behavior from her caregivers so far.

The negative impact of bullying

Bullies are usually more at risk of failing academically, dropping out or dropping out of school and are more likely to get involved in crime and fighting when they are older. Research also shows they are more vulnerable to using drugs. There is even research linking bullies with antisocial personality disorder or sociopath.

How to prevent children from becoming bullies?

???? Teach children to control aggressiveness, learn to interact in a healthy manner
???? Teach children to be empathetic, more sensitive and understand the feelings of others
???? Understand the consequences of aggressive behavior towards others
???? Build positive relationships with children
???? Children need to feel loved, supported and listened to
???? Parents need to listen and understand their child’s point of view and feelings
???? Make children feel valued

Father Mother, the problem of bullying is a problem for all of us. We should have a shared concern in resolving this problem so there won’t be another Raka – Riana.

Childhood is the period of life when most of our personality is shaped. That is why you should start paying attention to their development, the best way you possibly can – by helping them understand the main things that make them complete person.

Tons of Love,

Nyak Rotun

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