Caller: I came home from work, and when I entered the bedroom, I discovered the shock of a lifetime, which I did not expect to happen.. Mabrouk Attia responds shockingly!

It’s 07:40 PM
Island Bay | Follow Favorite

A young man revealed to Dr. Mabrouk Attia what happened with his wife after returning home.

He said that he entered the bedroom and found her mobile phone, and when he opened it, he found “not good” messages between her and another young man, asking for advice from Attia, especially since he has a daughter.

For his part, Dr. Attia said to him: Hold your wife and divorce her, because if you marry another unit, you may be one of your wives.

He concluded his speech by saying: Temptation is present in all of us, and I hope to meet a young man who said to her a sweet word that she heard from you, but you have to go beyond what happened, as this may be a lesson for her.

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