Can Beautiful Life︳enzyme products lose weight and detoxify the intestines?TCM dismantling the principle and function of “weight loss” with the characteristics of puffiness and fat people + dietary taboos – Sunny Post – Health – TCM Health

In order to welcome the early summer with the best body, many people have tried their best to lose weight, including adjusting their diets, exercising, and taking enzyme products that have been hot in recent years and claim to have weight loss and intestinal detoxification effects. Some registered Chinese medicine practitioners said that enzyme products can promote defecation, or have a laxative effect because of the two ingredients. Below, she will analyze the role of enzymes from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, and teach you to distinguish whether you are “puffy” or “real fat”, and to cooperate with the corresponding dietary taboos, so as to effectively lose weight.


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Enzyme products may contain 2 ingredients for laxative detoxification

Registered Chinese medicine practitioner Liang Yinqian (Cinci)Facebook PageThe article stated that there are many enzyme products on the market, advertised as having various effects such as weight loss, defecation, detoxification, and improvement of metabolism, but is there such a magical effect after taking it? She analyzed that enzymes, also known as enzymes, are proteins that help maintain the normal functioning of the body, such as digestion, metabolism, and tissue repair.

For enzyme products that claim to lose weight, improve metabolism, and detoxify the intestines, many people experience diarrhea after taking them. It may be due to the addition of fiber or ingredients with laxative effects, such as senna leaves. . Traditional Chinese medicine believes that senna is cold, has the effect of purging heat and stagnation, and clearing water. It is mostly used to relieve constipation symptoms.

Daily intake of enzymes from food

She went on to point out that there are more than a thousand kinds of enzymes in the human body. For example, “salivary amylase” in saliva is an amylolytic enzyme, and “pepsin” in gastric juice helps digestion. In daily life, people can also get enzymes from food, such as pineapple, papaya, kiwi, kimchi, natto, cheese and other foods with high enzyme content.

From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, taking enzymes can help digestion, while fermented foods contain more enzymes, such as natto, kimchi, cheese, etc. However, it should be noted that each food has different properties and effects, and should be consumed in moderation according to the constitution.

Identify “puffy” or “real fat” for effective weight loss

Cinci said that if you want to lose weight successfully, you should first identify the cause of your obesity, judge whether you are “puffy” or “real fat”, and then adjust your diet, exercise and living habits according to your physical condition, and the weight loss effect will be more obvious.

8 characteristics of puffy people

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7 characteristics of fat people

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“Puffy people” diet should not

Cinci said that if they meet the characteristics of puffy people, they are “edema” rather than obesity. Most of these people have a phlegm-dampness constitution. Due to the dysfunction of the spleen and stomach, the body water cannot run well, and it accumulates in the body to form edema. If you want to improve the problem, you should first nourish the spleen and stomach, and you can eat raw barley, Atractylodes, white lentils, Poria and other ingredients to strengthen the spleen and eliminate dampness;

“Really fat people” should not eat

As for the characteristics of people who are actually fat, Cinci said that such people have a large appetite, which leads to excessive nutrition and insufficient consumption, and accumulates fat over time. If you want to improve the problem, you should reduce the absorption in the diet, and eliminate stagnation and cellulite. It is recommended to eat ingredients such as hawthorn and lotus leaves in moderation; eat less sweets and fatty foods, and regularly perform high-intensity aerobic exercise.

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Beautiful Life︳Traditional Chinese Medicine recommends 14-day summer detoxification and anti-aging method to kick away edema, help lose weight, effectively beautify skin and remove wrinkles︳With light fasting recipes + three major detoxification points, see the details:【next page

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Written by: Lai Tianer

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