Can diabetic patients eat stevia tomatoes?

[오늘의 건강] Stevia tomato is safe as it does not affect blood sugar

Stevia tomato, which has a strong sweet taste, has little effect on blood sugar, so it can be safely consumed by diabetic patients.[사진=게티이미지뱅크]

It will rain in the central region, starting with the metropolitan area. Precipitation is expected to be between 10 and 40 mm. The lowest temperature in the morning was 13-20 degrees, and the highest temperature during the day was 22-28 degrees. The temperature difference between day and night will widen by more than 10 degrees, so take care of your health.

☞Today’s Health= Sprinkling sugar on cold tomatoes makes a great snack just like any other dessert. Although it is a tomato full of nutrients, it cannot be safely consumed because of the ‘sugar’. For diabetic patients, sweet tomatoes are just like the rice cakes in the picture… Tomatoes have been popular lately. Stevia tomatoes are grown using the stevia farming method in which stevia, a natural sugar, is sprinkled on the ground. Stevia tomato, which has a sweet taste, can be enjoyed by diabetic patients?

A sugar substitute that we call stevia is ‘stevioside’, an extract from a plant in the Asteraceae family called stevio. It is 200 to 300 times sweeter than sugar, but contains only 1% of the calories of sugar. Since it is not absorbed in the body and is excreted in the urine, it has little effect on blood sugar, so it can be safely consumed by diabetic patients.

Not only that. Stevia tomato is rich in dietary fiber, which gives a feeling of fullness and contains various minerals and vitamins such as citric acid, amino acids, and calcium. In particular, the terpene component of stevia stimulates insulin-secreting cells, helping diabetic or high blood pressure patients to enjoy sweet taste with peace of mind, and polyphenol inhibits free radicals to prevent cellular aging.

Stevia tomatoes have excellent taste and are low in calories, but you should not eat them as a staple food. This is because not only does it cause nutritional imbalance, but there are also carbohydrates in tomatoes, so eating too much is like eating carbohydrates. In addition, excessive intake of stevia causes abdominal pain, vomiting, and diarrhea. People with impaired kidney function may have problems excreting stevia, so use caution. Although there have been no reports of side effects from stevia consumption in pregnant women, it is not recommended to consume stevia as it may contain chemicals.

By Kim Hye-won

[email protected]

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