Can I really take care of my health by quitting wheat?

Reducing your intake of gluten, which is found in wheat flour foods, can help rejuvenate you and improve your depressed mood. [사진=클립아트코리아]

Pizza, Pasta, Bread, Hamburger, etc. flour foodMany people enjoy Because it is easy to eat, many people prefer to fill their meals with bread or noodles.

wheat flour food Indigestioncan be the cause of There are many people who do not know this and live with the inconvenience. in flour Insoluble protein ‘gluten’ Because. Gluten is needed to make bread and noodles by making dough sticks or puffs.

Depending on the gluten content, flour types such as strong flour, light flour, and soft flour are classified. Strong flour with the highest gluten content is used to make bread, and wheat flour is used to make noodles. Soft flour with a low gluten content is used for making cookies. The texture varies depending on the gluten content.

some people glutenWhen absorbed into the body, it allergic reactionThis can cause indigestion. In addition Inflammationor arteriosclerosis riskalso increases If these people stop eating wheat flour, can symptoms be alleviated and healthy changes can occur in the body?


overcoming chronic fatigue

glutenis a type of dyspepsia celiac diseasecan cause This disease prevents the absorption of nutrients in the body. anemiaor malnutrition cause symptoms because it cuts off the supply of energy. tiredbe done or lethargyit may be done

If you have no energy even after eating and you keep falling asleep, it is better to stop eating wheat flour. I started not eating wheat flour. 2-3 weeksafter vitalitycan be recovered


improve depressed mood

neurotransmitters in the brain serotoninclass dopamineis a person’s influence the moodplays a role When serotonin and dopamine, called happiness hormones, are released, you feel good, and when the secretion decreases, you feel depressed.

If the food is not properly absorbed by the gluten, the secretion of these chemicals is reduced. Depressed or anxious feelings may be triggered. On the other hand stop eating glutenif happiness hormoneAs the secretion of enthusiasm for lifeI see this coming back to life productive activitythis becomes possible


Excessive burden on gluten is also a problem

One of the most common diseases caused by gluten is celiac diseaseto be. eating flour stomach ache and diarrhea symptoms such as Celiac disease is rarely diagnosed in Korea. One gastroenterologist said, “It’s better than gluten. Carbohydrate poisoningThis problem,” he says. As long as you don’t have trouble digesting wheat flour, you don’t need to be overly sensitive to gluten.

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