Can money in the digital account yield?

Investment is a way for money to yield much more than if it just stayed under the mattress. And if you want to make your money work and have an easy routine, a digital account can help you. With automatic income, your money can increase, imagine what a dream?

The digital account works like a normal checking account, the kind that everyone is used to. The advantage of being digital is what makes the difference, offering a series of benefits to the investor.

In addition to not letting your money lose value to inflation and protecting your purchasing power, leaving your assets in a digital account is an opportunity to have lower costs: saving on banking transaction fees. Is it good or you want more?

What we will see in this article:

5 advantages of leaving your money in a digital account

As digital account services have automatic and online income, convenience is part of the package for those who do not have much time to analyze and study the financial market. It is a simple option that is in the palm of your hand, through the use of applications.

See below:

1. Income is daily

In a digital account, earnings happen every day and you can check the value of the amount whenever you want. It is already a differential over savings, which only have monthly income, each anniversary month of the deposit. This means that the investor only has gains after thirty days, while in the digital account it is not necessary to wait for that time to have combined profitability.

2. No constant calculations

The money yields without having to make constant calculations just to find out if it will have a positive return. The digital account itself informs how much it has available and how much it is yielding. Just deposit the money and leave it there, without the need to adopt additional tasks, much less to apply formulas to know how much your money is yielding.

3. Less bureaucracy

Here we already have the third advantage, which is less bureaucracy. You can solve everything from your cell phone screen, making the process more practical. And contrary to what many think, this does not mean less security. The protective measures remain efficient.

4. Withdraw at any time

Here liquidity is daily. So, your money is yielding and the investor can withdraw it whenever he wants. The bank does not exercise any limitation of use and also gives you the freedom to withdraw the amount. The only discounts made are taxes due on earnings, such as Income Tax or Tax on Financial Operations (IOF).

5. The digital account can be your emergency reserve

In case of financial difficulties, the emergency reserve can be your salvation. As money should only be used in case of real need, the digital account may be a possibility. It’s an easier way to start your stocking up.

It is worth remembering that in a digital account, the money is profitable and has immediate liquidity, so you can accumulate assets and withdraw without a headache when everything goes wrong.

And if you also want to invest in other assets, no problem! Renova Invest’s team of advisors are here and just schedule a meeting to get a little help. Did you like the idea of ​​having a digital account?

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