cancer symptoms that should not be ignored and may go unnoticed

Health entities indicate that prevention is one of the main keys to enjoying emotional and physical well-being, as this prevents the development of diseases that can put life at risk.

One of the conditions that require an early diagnosis is cancer, in its different varieties, since the effectiveness of the approaches that are carried out to mitigate the advance to the most serious stages of this condition depends on it.

According to the American Cancer Society, there are a variety of tests that are designed to be able to identify the presence of any signs that may be related to cancer, even without the first warning signs.

And it is precisely one of the dangers of certain types of cancer is that they do not show any signs that it is affecting the patient, so much so that it is detected when it is at a fairly advanced stage.

One of the dangers of certain types of cancer is that they do not show any signs that it is affecting the patient, so much so that it is detected when it is at a fairly advanced stage. – Foto: Getty Images/iStockphoto

An article published in the University of California San Francisco reveals some of the symptoms of this chronic disease that are often overlooked, because they are common and frequent ailments, so they do not seem to be a real threat to health.

Nevertheless, When evaluating them, it is necessary to take into account the general context of the patient, the appearance of other symptoms and thus also be able to discuss the situation with the doctor to consider all the possibilities..

According to the institution, one of those silent signs is swelling. The United States National Library of Medicine, Medline Plus, This discomfort consists of an increase in the size of different parts of the body, which can be due to various causes and which appears as an excess of liquids.

It is natural that due to certain conditions a swelling of the abdominal area and the lower part is generated, for example, this is a frequent symptom during the menstrual period; however, it can be a warning sign when it lasts for a long time. Therefore, the ideal is to rule out that it is associated with another more serious condition.

Another of those symptoms that can be passed off as if nothing were headaches. As indicated by the platform of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, there are cancers that can cause this discomfort, such as brain tumors, pharyngeal cancer and lymphomas.

Therefore, from the health unit of the University of California San Francisco, They indicate that attention should be paid to headaches that occur constantly and last for several weeks, as an aspect to mention to the health professional.

It’s also good to know that there are a variety of types of headaches, which are classified depending on the region where the pain is perceived, the way it presents itself and other characteristics of its symptomatology. Having this information can help the doctor.

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There is a basic rule to identify skin cancer warning signs and it is ABCDE, where each letter means a change that the dermis may have and that is a reason to consult a professional: Asymmetry, Edge, Color, Diameter and Evolution, indicate from the American Academy of Dermatology.

Also, despite being common, changes in stool and urine patterns can alert people. According to UCSF Health, this may be an indication that there is a basic health condition, among them it is suggested to rule out that it is a discomfort associated with cancer that affects the intestines, the bladder, among others.

It is especially recommended to go to the emergency doctor when blood is found in the stool or in the urine and persistent difficulty in evacuating.

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