Cancer: we are dealing with a serial killer…

2023-11-17 20:30:00

Who has just taken Karl Tremblay from us at 47 years old.

And while our cowboy was dying, how many other victims were passing away?

Young, old, children, of all races, all religious denominations, all walks of life.

Cancer: a killer champion of diversity and inclusion

You only have to accompany someone to the hospital, to the oncology department to see how cancer strikes indiscriminately.

In the waiting room, resigned faces…

We wait for the table to display the correct number…

More exams, blood tests, imaging, chemo or radiotherapy sessions.


Always stuck in the heart, this fierce hope of getting out of it.

Thus, declaring war on cancer, our body is transformed into a battlefield where an army of “Pac-Man” confronts itself responsible for swallowing enemy cells.

We see ourselves as warriors, fighters, militiamen…

As if we have power over our messing up cells.

Unfortunately, we are not all equal in the pharmacopoeia.

Neither victory nor defeat…

How to fight when you are taken hostage?

Only the arsenal of treatments has the power to negotiate with our cells.

However, we have the right to meditate by coloring mandalas, to practice positive thinking or to eat macrobiotics if it soothes us.

The ultimate verdict comes from the treatment.

Whether it is effective or not depends on a multitude of factors specific to each individual.

Karl Tremblay…

Didn’t lose a fight.

What could he do except submit to treatment and rely on providence?

I hate this concept of victory or defeat which tends to make the patient responsible for his recovery.

This killer is being hunted by scientific research and it is moving forward… Let’s not lose hope.

Sweet thoughts to Karl Tremblay’s entire family and to all those who loved him.

#Cancer #dealing #serial #killer..

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