Captain America: The New World Order Villain ‘Big Boss’ Confirms Tim Blake Nelson – Disney – Marvel Studios

At D23 Expo, which took place recently, Marvel fans got a lot of the latest news about upcoming projects from Marvel Studios, including the long-awaited Captain America: The New World Order.At Saturday’s Marvel launch, the film’s cast has been revealed, including Anthony Mackie returning as Sam Wilson (Captain America), Danny Ramire as Joaquin Torres, and sources say Sheila Haas will play Israeli superhero Sabra in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.


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And “Captain America: The New World Order” director Julius Jonah confirmed to media “ComicBook” host Brandon Davis that Tim Blake Nelson will return to play the villain “Big Boss”.

The last time fans saw Nelson was in The Incredible Hulk 14 years ago, when Nelson played Samuel Stern, a character who had a head wound in contact with Bruce Banner’s. After some blood, it began to mutate and eventually became the villain “big boss”. And the story of this character after being exposed to Banner’s blood will also be shown in “New World Order”.

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