Carla Vizzotti announced the incorporation of bivalent vaccines

“Between today and tomorrow we will be receiving 1,100,000 doses of Pfizer and a few days ago we had received about 900 thousand“, explained the minister.

Next week we will start the distribution to each province. The process takes time and each province will announce when the bivariate will be added to the vaccination plan, “he said regarding the beginning of the application of the bivalent doses.

He also maintained that for several weeks both vaccines will coexist and explained that it is very important “to remember that all vaccines are safe and effective.” In this sense, he assured that “the vaccine that works best is the one that is applied.”

In any case, he stressed that “there is no stock very important monovalent vaccine nationwide because the majority has been distributed“.

In your ad, Vizzotti remarked that the incorporation of new doses is to “continue protecting the population” and expressed that “the cases will continue to be and we hope that this does not translate into hospitalizations and deaths.”

Vaccination schedule: how often you will have to receive a dose

When asked about the frequency with which each dose of the COVID-19 vaccine should be applied, the minister explained that “the scientific evidence is still being evaluated” and that currently the recommendation is to apply a booster every 3 or 4 months.

However he pointed out that is being studied all over the world is if the durability of vaccines It can be between 6 months and 1 year. He assured that when science concludes what the deadlines will be, they will be able to launch a vaccination schedule.

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Ignacio Petunchi

What are bivalent vaccines?

Las bivalent vaccines are those that contain two variants of the coronavirusa labs innovation that produce this type of immunizers. In detail, they contain two different types (antigens); one of the cepa original (Wuhan) and another of the variant Omicron BA.1. Instead, earlier vaccines only contain the first antigen.

It should be noted that, thanks to this, the inoculation offers a greater protection spectrum than monovalents.

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CAEME responded to the WTO decision to suspend vaccine patents:

CAEME responded to the WTO decision to suspend vaccine patents: “They exist thanks to intellectual property”

For now, the only bivalent vaccines developed, studied, and approved for use in humans are the adapted versions of the vaccines. Modern nail wax y Pfizer-BioNTech Comirnaty COVID-19.

Covid-19 cases in Argentina

In the latest official report, released on Monday, the Ministry of Health accounted for 89 deaths from coronavirus and 19,416 infections in the last week in the country.

According to the data released, the number of deaths increased 14% in relation to the previous report, when there had been reported 78 deaths.


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The official stated that “There is no dose of expired vaccine” and assured that the country “is not going to return to a situation like that of previous years” regarding the pandemic.

“Since December 1, when the number of cases increased, the distribution of vaccines has multiplied by ten and the application has increased by at least five, and in some provinces even more,” Vizzotti explained. And he added that, “with the perception of risk, the increase in the number of cases, what happens is the Increased demand“.

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