Carlos Felipe Pedemonte is the new technical head of Ñublense cadets – La Discusión 2024-05-13 16:05:43

The experienced coach and cadet trainer, Carlos Felipe Pedemonte, took over as the new technical head of Ñublense Youth Football.

“I am happy to be in Ñublense. Time will be the best ally to project what we want to build, although there is already a base. The history of the club, the complex, the work of the technicians, the work of ‘Pepe’ Lara in recruiting, the contribution of the families and working with open doors, without being afraid of criticism, because both the praise and the criticism, poorly viewed, are dangerous, because the first can lead to stillness and the second must be listened to because they are part of life,” stressed Pedemonte, former technical chief of Huachipato cadets, for more than 25 years.

“I like Chillán because I lived here until I was 13 and studied at the Padre Hurtado Seminary School. The Paso Alejo Complex is wonderful, I know that there is still a stage left to build and we want to have representation in the first team and for some values ​​to reach the Chilean minor teams and then reach the adult ones. “Let’s not just sit still, the players have to feel happy to achieve goals and be successful in the way they live.”

Pedemonte, who has been sports manager at the University of Concepción, pointed out that they will worry about the families of the cadets because they are part of the “player’s training process, it is a task to give what we can give.”

Regarding his seal in leading the minor series, he expressed that “being a professional is not an easy path, everyone has the opportunity to get there, but they have to be convinced, we must give them the tools so that they can take the leap in quality, between the emotion and the data.”

Finally, regarding the U-21 rule, he stated that “I prefer that the players play for performance, but that we can train them well so that they play regardless of the rule, but we must worry that this training continues, regardless of whether it is not consolidate in the first team.”

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