Omicron variant: how long can a carrier infect others? | Health & Wellness

The omicron variant has spread with great speed throughout the world and many assure that it would not be so deadly, which is why several doubts surround it. It was at the end of November 2021 when the WHO raised the alert due to the Omicron variant, which emerged in South Africa, classifying it as … Read more

She Rincón, transforming realities with art

The artist and activist was part of the Converse call, The Converse All Star, a space for fighters who, through their voice and artistic expression, seek a better future. The main theme of the mural he made for the campaign is the embrace as a revolutionary act. © Fito Buitrago For Ela Rincón, art helps … Read more

The irresistible rise of the mayor of Meulan-en-Yvelines, at the head of the largest urban community in France

As a result of the political crisis hitting Mantes-la-Jolie (Yvelines), the largest urban community in France is changing its face. Since this Thursday, it is now Cécile Zammit-Popescu, the mayor (DVD) of Meulan-en-Yvelines who leads the GPS&O, a “monster” of 73 municipalities which extends from Bonnières-sur-Seine to Conflans-Sainte – Honorine. She thus succeeds Raphaël Cognet, … Read more

NBA: Los Angeles Lakers win thanks to strong second half

After a disappointing defeat to the Pacers during the week, the Los Angeles Lakers started their East Coast trip with a 116-105 win at the Orlando Magic. The Lakers failed the first half, but then LeBron James and Carmelo Anthony sank the brave home side. Orlando Magic (8-39) – Los Angeles Lakers (23-23) 105:116 (BOXSCORE) … Read more

Andrés Velasco confesses that he was moved by the appointment of Siches and Fernández: “They are two milestones”

© Andrés Velasco confesses that he was moved by the appointment of Siches and Fernández: “They are two milestones” continue the reactions to cabinet announcement who will accompany the elected president, Gabriel Boric, and in an interview with Canal 24 Horas, the former Minister of Finance, Andres Velasco, confessed that with the appointment of … Read more

veterinarian Release Grandfather Pala-U, the old elephant, who was shot 20 times, and leave peacefully.

veterinarian Release Grandfather Pala-U An old elephant was fired 20 times to leave peacefully. At 10:00 a.m. January 22, Dr. Pattaraphon Manee-on, Head of Wildlife Health Group Wildlife Conservation Office Department of National Parks, Wildlife and Plant Conservation Mention the case of the veterinary team Department of National Parks mobilize to help An old Pala-U … Read more

SNCF: 85% of TGVs between Paris and Bordeaux canceled between Sunday evening and Tuesday morning

A signalmen’s strike in New Aquitaine will seriously disrupt rail traffic in the South-West of France on Monday, with in particular the cancellation of 85% of TGVs between Paris and Bordeaux and “very disrupted” regional traffic, announced the SNCF on Friday. The SNCF will ensure the circulation of five direct TGV round trips between Paris … Read more