Gasoline pipeline exploded in Anzoátegui (+ videos)

From different points of the entity you can see the flash of the flames. This Tuesday night the explosion of a gasoline pipeline was recorded in Anzoátegui state, specifically in the Naricual bridge in the Simón Bolívar municipality. This was confirmed by the governor of the entity, Luis José Marcano on his social networks. By … Read more

Chronicle “L’air du temps” – French Resolutions

Gilles Martin-Chauffier’s weekly column. © Sipa Like a balcony, the Bois de la Chèvre is anchored on three sides in the Gulf of Morbihan. Behind the stern lies the Pointe de Brouel. At high tide, it’s like being on the deck of a boat. The promontory hugs the slumbering water in the colors of slate. … Read more

‘Tired of life’, Malayalee trans woman wants euthanasia; Intervening Minister of Education

Kochi, First Published Jan 12, 2022, 9:18 AM IST Kochi: A trans woman in Kerala has demanded that euthanasia be allowed as she cannot live as a trans woman. Aneera Kabir, a native of Ottapalam, had approached the court seeking clemency. Trans woman Anira Kabir told Asianet News that despite attending interviews for the post … Read more

“Let’s dare to take the plunge”: the Academy of Medicine says it is in favor of compulsory vaccination via the health pass

The day after the hearing of Olivier Véran, Minister of Health, on the government management of the health crisis before the senators, the Academy of Medicine breaks a taboo. In one communicated titled “Daring to take the plunge”, published this Tuesday, the learned society asks that “the doctrine” of the vaccine pass is “clearly exposed … Read more

“Jane by Charlotte”, I love you … me too – Release

For her feature debut, Charlotte Gainsbourg films Jane Birkin in an attempt to capture the nature of their relationship. A moving document. Film happiness lest it run away, photograph these hands, this mouth, which are now adorned with spots and wrinkles but which are there, fleshy, alive, evoking regrets in order to better annihilate them … Read more

Fish oil for migraine and other health news

© Provided by Châtelaine Salmon Photo : Getty Images Fish oil for migraine Eating more fatty fish is beneficial against migraine, US researchers have observed. The secret ? The omega-3s they contain have an anti-inflammatory effect, which helps reduce the intensity and frequency of attacks. For four months, 182 volunteers, especially women – more prone … Read more

Xi Jinping: Continue to summarize the party history, study education and propaganda, and better grasp and use the party’s century-old historical experience

Xi Jinping: Continue to summarize the party history, study education and propaganda, and better grasp and use the party’s century-old historical experience   Original title: Xi Jinping delivered an important speech at the opening ceremony of the seminar on the study and implementation of the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee … Read more