Xuzhou’s “chain girl” is Li Ying?The results of the technical comparison are shocking | Feng County | Trafficking | Yang Mouxia

[TheEpochTimesFebruary192022](Comprehensive report by The Epoch Times reporter Li Jing)XuzhouThe authorities have issued four notifications successively, and finally changed their tune to “Yang Mouxia“The event is characterized asTraffickingwomen’s case, but officials insist “Yang Mouxia“It’s not Li Ying, a lost woman in Sichuan. However, a technology blogger conducted a technical comparison of the images of “Yang Mouxia”, … Read more

Ukraine: shells explode near the Ukrainian Minister of the Interior on the front

Mortar shells exploded near Ukrainian Interior Minister Denys Monastyrsky during his trip to the front line in the east of the country, AFP journalists noted on Saturday. • Read also: Ukraine: “ballistic and cruise” missiles fired during Russian exercises • Read also: Russian troops ‘getting ready to hit’ Ukraine, US defense secretary says The incident, … Read more

Canadian police trample protesters on horseback

Canadian police trample protesters on horseback Hangzhou Net Release time: 2022-02-19 13:30 Overseas Network, February 19. Canadian truck drivers protested for three weeks, and police arrested at least 100 people. The US “Newsweek” quoted a video report on the 18th that the Ottawa police and protesters clashed again, because the police trampled on the protesters … Read more

Israel: Prime Minister announces end of health pass

Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett announced Thursday evening the “end” of the health pass, of which his country had been one of the pioneers, affirming that the wave of contamination linked to the Omicron variant was now fading in Israel. “We are ending the use of the green passport (“Tav yaroq” in Hebrew, name given … Read more

Bill Gates warns: Another outbreak is coming

Microsoft founder Bill Gates, who is committed to public health and pushing for the global distribution of vaccines, said on the 18th that the risk of the new coronavirus pneumonia (COVID-19) has been “substantially reduced”, but warned humanity that another pandemic is ahead. Yes, and next time it will be a different pathogen, not a … Read more