Causes and Solutions for Pain on the Top of the Foot While Walking

If you suffer from pain on the top of your foot while walking, take action! Discover the causes of this evil and the reflexes to treat it.

As you walk, a sharp pain occurs on the top of your foot. You can’t go any further and you wonder if it will pass.

What causes pain on the top of the foot? What solutions to stop suffering? How to avoid this unpleasant feeling? Discover the causes and solutions for pain on the top of the foot when walking.

What causes pain on the top of the foot when walking?

Proportionally speaking, the foot is a small part of the human body. Yet he is composed of 26 bones, 17 joints, 20 muscles and more than a hundred ligaments. This part of the human body is therefore particularly complex. Let’s see what can cause pain on the top of the foot while walking.

Causes of pain on the top of the foot

The pain on the top of the foot is more or less important. Sometimes it leaves as quickly as it came. It is therefore necessary to determine the cause in order to be able to treat it effectively.

Possible causes are:

  • extensor tendonitis;
  • shoes that are unsuitable for an activity or simply too tight;
  • different diseases: arthritis, gout, diabetes;
  • injuries: fracture, sprain, hematoma;
  • swelling of the feet;
  • ingrown nail ;
  • hammer toe.

If the evils persist or are redundant, it is better consult for medical advice.


While you are walking, you feel particularly unpleasant discomfort on the top of your foot. Other symptoms may accompany this pain.

Possible symptoms:

  • redness;
  • swelling ;
  • appearance of corns;
  • joint stiffness that prevents walking;
  • impossibility of setting foot on the ground.

Sometimes these symptoms go away. In case of doubt, discomfort and/or recurrence, consult a podiatrist.

What solutions for pain on the top of the foot while walking?

Wear insoles to relieve pain on the top of the foot

In consultation, the specialist asks you various questions to establish a diagnosis. If necessary, he will send you for more in-depth examinations: radio, scanner, etc. You must first determine the cause of your pain in order to obtain treatment accordingly.


Even before having the results in image, the doctor prevents you from continuing to suffer. For this, he recommends rest. Must therefore avoid using your foot as much as possible at first. Depending on the outcome, a soft recovery might suffice.

orthopedic insoles

Depending on the shape of your foot or the way you walk, the pain can be accentuated. In this case, orthopedic insoles are prescribed. On measures, you insert them in your shoes of the day. The goal is to use them on a daily basis.

Medicines for pain on the top of the foot

The pain does not pass? Even rest is not enough? The doctor prescribes analgesics and/or anti-inflammatories.

Exercises to relieve pain on the top of the foot

Sometimes, certain stretches can help reduce pain. The podiatrist can refer you to a physiotherapist. He is manipulating you. It also offers you some exercises to improve the flexibility of your foot.

These movements promote better foot position while walking.

Laser and shock waves

In some cases, it is the tissues that are damaged. If they are close to the skin, the laser can have a beneficial and almost immediate effect.

Do you have tendonitis that won’t heal? Did your fracture heal poorly? Sometimes scar tissue is the cause of the pain. Shock waves shatter tissues that are too tight.

Add a few simple movements and massage properly. You promote better consolidation. The goal is to permanently eliminate the pain.

How to prevent pain on the top of the foot while walking?

Use the right shoes for pain above the foot

By applying a few simple solutions, you improve your walking conditions. Of course, if you are in pain, you must consult. But you can avoid recurrences.

Suitable shoes

Be careful, shoes that are too small compress your foot. This prevents the blood from circulating properly. Not only do you have pain above your foot, but your toes are also sore. Make sure your shoes are long and wide enough.

Moreover, adapt the type of shoes to your activity. Do you plan to walk a lot today? So choose a comfortable and rather basketball type pair. Banish sandals and other open shoes that do not hold your foot enough.

Some sporting activities require appropriate footwear. It is not possible to run with flat sneakers for example.

A progressive walk

Get your foot used to the effort. If you walk a lot overnight, chances are your tendons are showing. Walk regularly and increase the number of steps gradually.


Take care of your feet. They bear the weight of your body all day long. All the muscles in your feet are used when you are standing. feel free to massage your feet regularly. Especially since other pains can occur.

Pain on the top of the foot while walking: what to remember

The causes of pain on the top of the feet are multiple. They are also more or less serious. If you are suffering from a disease such as diabetes, you must consult fairly quickly. In any case, if you have pain when walking, it is better to consult to avoid immobilization.

It is possible to treat but also to prevent pain on the top of the foot. So be vigilant and take care of your feet.

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