Causes and Treatment of Unexplained Bruises: Find Out What’s Going on with Your Body

2023-09-02 07:26:07

If there is a bruise even without a bump, various causes need to be checked

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A bruise is a condition in which the skin is irritated and turns blue. If the bruise doesn’t go away and the color gets darker, you should suspect something wrong with your body. [사진=게티이미지뱅크]What if a bruise suddenly appears when you don’t remember bumping into it? Unlike winter, it is often easier to spot bruises in summer and autumn when clothes are light. If there is no reason for the bruising, no matter how much you think about it, you start to worry that something is wrong with your organs.

Blue bruise, what happened to my body?

A condition in which the skin is irritated and turned blue is called a bruise. A bruise that appears and disappears at the site of the trauma is a natural reaction of the body when you are usually clumsy or bumped into at work or during sports.

However ▲The bruise does not go away and gets larger and darker ▲The memory of the injury is not clear, but the bruise occurs from time to time ▲Dark red or purple small spots appear on the leg ▲Bleeding (nosebleeds, gum bleeding, increase in amount and duration of menstruation) , black or red stools, hematuria, etc.) should be suspected of abnormalities in the body.

Old people and women are particularly prone to bruising

Even if you don’t hit anywhere, you can easily bruise if the fibrin that protects and supports blood vessels is destroyed by aging or exposure to sunlight. In the case of the elderly, bruises are easily bruised on the back of the hand even if they do not hit much, and in the same principle, women are generally more bruised than men because their skin is thinner.

Pathologically, a genetic disease in which subcutaneous connective tissue is weakened or a hormonal disease such as Cushing’s disease may also be accompanied by symptoms of easy bruising. In addition, when steroids (adrenocortical hormones) are taken for a long time for the treatment of arthritis or other diseases, bruises easily occur due to weakening of connective tissue and elastic fibers of the skin.

Bruises are also caused by ‘drug use’. Taking aspirin or antiplatelet drugs for cardiovascular disease or cerebrovascular disease can suppress platelet function and cause bruising or bleeding. Anti-inflammatory drugs such as naproxen and ibuprofen can also decrease the function of platelets, and in rare cases, reduce the number of platelets. In the case of those taking warfarin for problems such as blood clots, warfarin is a drug that artificially prevents blood clotting, so care must be taken in case of falling and getting injured.

Autoimmune diseases, enlarged spleen, and viral or bacterial infections can also cause a decrease in platelet count. The decrease in platelet count caused by infection usually shows a temporary abnormality and then recovers. If there is an abnormality in kidney function, platelets cannot function properly, resulting in bruises, and patients with liver disease may show abnormal bleeding due to reduced production of blood clotting factors due to reduced liver function as well as platelet abnormality in patients with liver disease.

How to get rid of bruises quickly? Cold compress vs warm compress

To get rid of a bruise, it’s a good idea to apply a cold compress the day after the bruise has passed. The cold component of the ice prevents blood components from escaping from the capillaries, preventing the spread of bruises to the surrounding area. If you apply warm compresses in the beginning, the bruises may become larger. Try warm compresses two to three days after a bruise occurs, when blood circulation needs to be promoted. If you massage the bruised area with an egg, blood circulation is promoted and it helps to get rid of the bruise.

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