Causes of bleeding from the mouth- Hossam Mowafi reveals possible diseases

Dr. Hossam Mowafi, Professor of Critical Cases at Kasr Al-Ainy College of Medicine, confirmed that the feeling of a taste of blood in the mouth is not only indicative of bleeding gums, but there are other diseases that can warn of it.

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Muwafi said during his program “My Lord, Increase Me in Knowledge”, broadcast on Sada Al-Balad channel, that blood coming out of the mouth may be a warning sign of a lack of platelets in the body.

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The professor of critical care medicine added that the taste of blood in the mouth may also indicate leukemia, in which white blood cells increase beyond the normal rate, so it is called “leukemia.”

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To find out the reason for the blood coming out of the mouth, Muwafi recommended visiting the dentist first, to rule out gum disease, and then expedite conducting a complete blood picture (CBC) analysis, to check on the levels of platelets and white blood cells.

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